The 2000 Adventure, now in its seventh year! Venturing Crew 369's "The Adventure" HTML Title PostScript PDF January 369 Plans for its new program! PS-295Kb PDF-305Kb February 369's 1999-2000 Court-of-Honor PS-1.4Mb PDF-2.5Mb March 5,000,000 PS-694Kb PDF-1Mb April Web Awards! PS-379Kb PDF-474Kb May Computer Competition! PS-870Kb PDF-1.4Mb June The Perception of Value! PS-2.9Kb PDF-3.3Kb July The Future is up to me! PS-183Kb PDF-182Kb August A New Year Begins! PS-1.1Mb PDF-2.1Mb September Congratulations Lord Neil! PS-213Kb PDF-224Kb October WOW 6,000,000 Hits! PS-961K-gzb PDF-4MB Gziped November Netscape 6! PS-226Kb PDF-266Kb December St. Stephen's Food Drive PS-1.1Mb PDF-1.5Mb applications/postscript /usr/openwin/bin/pageview %s
The 2000 Adventure, now in its seventh year!