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Explorer Post 369's 1996 "The ExpNews"
HTML Title PostScript PDF
January Computer Networking! PS-1.1Mb PDF-1.0Mb
February George & Gracy our new Computers! PS-1.0Mb PDF-1.8Mb
March New Advisors! PS-366Kb PDF-541Kb
April Essay on Eagle for a Free Computer! PS-445Kb PDF-198Kb
May Getting into a "Good" Career. PS-185Kb PDF-94Kb
June Finding your pot of gold! PS-373Kb PDF-352Kb
July PS-132Kb PDF-69Kb
August NeXT System Administration! PS-171Kb PDF-73Kb
September From Russia with love! PS-196Kb PDF-217Kb
October Our New Look:-)
[The ExpNews is now printed on Color Stock!]
PS-791Kb PDF-1.Mb
November The Death of Micro$soft! PS-939Kb PDF-1.4Mb
December Happy Birthday Exp369! PS-92Kb None

The Postscript files are a 1000% better than the html files.

If you are on a Sun you can use pageview to read them. If you are on a Sun and using netscape you can use set up your "options" "helpers" to:
applications/postscript /usr/openwin/bin/pageview %s

This page has been accessed  $pagecount"; ?> times. Since July 6th, 1997