Awards - Knots

Religious Awards

Religious EmblemReligious Emblem - Worn by youth and adult members who received a religious emblem as a youth member.
Adult Religious AwardAdult Religious Award - Worn by adults who received religious awards as an adult.

Achievement Awards

Arrow of LightArrow of Light - Worn by adults who earned the Arrow of Light as a youth member.
Eagle ScoutEagle Scout - Worn by adults who earned the rank of Eagle Scout as a youth member.
Explorer GoldExplorer Gold Award - Also Explorer Achievement Award
Ranger Square KnotRanger - Venturing Scouts BSA ran out of stock of the square knot in 1951. The Medal is still produced.
Quartermaster AwardQuartermaster - Sea Scout/Explorer Award for Youth and Adults

Bravery Awards

Medal of MeritMedal of Merit - Awarded by the National Council for heroism with little or no risk to life.
Heroism AwardHeroism Award - Awarded by the National Council for heroism with less risk to life.
Honor MedalHonor Medal - Awarded by the National Council to those who risk their lives to save another.

Leadership & Training Awards

Tiger Cub Group Organizer AwardTiger Cub Group Organizer Award- Two years tenure and other requirements.
Den Leader AwardDen Leader Award - Two years tenure and other requirements.
Webelos Den LeaderWebelos Den Leader - Two years tenure and other requirements.
Den Leader Coach AwardDen Leader Coach Award - Two years tenure and other requirements.
Cubmaster AwardCubmaster Award - Two years tenure and other requirements.
Cub Scouter AwardCub Scouter Award - Two years tenure and other requirements.
Scouter's Training AwardScouter's Training Award - Basic Training and other requirements.
Scouter's KeyScouter's Key - Three years tenure and other requirements.
Sea BadgeSea Badge - Sea Badge Leader Training and "Ticket" (Two Years)
Distinguished Commissioner Service AwardDistinguished Commissioner Service Award - Five years tenure and other requirements.
Professional Training AwardProfessional Scouter Training Award

Honor Awards for Outstanding Service

George Meany AwardGeorge Meany Award - Presented to labor union members who have been unusually effective in giving leadership to youth.
Whitney Young Jr. AwardWhitney Young Jr. Award - Presented for promoting Scouting in the poorest areas of the country.
Order of the Arrow Distinguished Service AwardOrder of the Arrow Distinguished Service Award - Presented to an Order of the Arrow member for unusual service on a National basis.
Whilliam H. Spurgeon AwardWilliam T. Hornaday Award - Recognizes Scouts, Explorers and Scouters for conservation and ecology efforts in their communities.
Whilliam H. Spurgeon AwardWilliam H. Spurgeon Award - Presented to Scouters redering distinguished service to Exploring
District Award of MeritDistrict Award of Merit - Presented to Scouters at the District level for unusual dedication and service.
Silver BeaverSilver Beaver - Presented to Scouters at the Council level for unusual dedication and service.
Silver AntelopeSilver Antelope - Presented to Scouters at the Regional level for unusual dedication and service.
Silver BuffaloSilver Buffalo - Presented to Scouters at the National level for unusual dedication and service.
Silver WorldSilver World - Presented to Scouters who have supported Scouting on a worldwide basis.

International Awards

International Scouter's AwardInternational Scouter's Award - Worn by adult members who broaden their involvement in Scouting through participation in world Scouting activities and recognizes Scouters for their contributions to world Scouting.

Support Of Scouting

James West Fellowship AwardJames West Fellowship Award

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