Aaron M. Croyle
Aaron Morris
Aaron Morris
Lee Orrick,
Bill Schwanitz,
Dan Morris,
Aaron Morris

Jack Trout,
Jason Cunnyngham,
Aaron Croyle,
Ian C.
Dan Morris
Dan Morris
Venturing Crew 369

Steven Potter
Jack Trout


Dr. Cunnyngham, Mr. Potter, Aaron M. Croyle, Daniel Morris, Mr. Morris, Aaron Morris, Jason Cunnyngham, Ian C., James J. Scherer, Jack Trout, Nathaniel Graham, Bill Schwanitz, Mr. Orrick
Dr. Jon Cunnyngham



Everyone will supply their own eating equipment:
Plate, Bowl, Cup, Fork, Knife, Spoon.
Cost $25.00 Per Person Due on Tuesday 10/26/99!

Bring a Bag of Junk Food to Share
Bring a 2ltr Bottle of Soda to Share

Toadies and Pelbes may come if a Toad/Plebe Father comes too.

Be at the Church by 5:30pm

Bring for book making:

Book Copying [DONATED]
Black Duck Cloth 16" x 36"
White Duck Cloth 4.5" x 12"
1-Roll Outdoor Carpet Tape 2"x25yrds
2-Bolt 3/8" x 6"
2-Nunt 3/8"
2-Washer 3/8"
2-Washer 7/16"
2-(2x4) x 15"
2-Black Folders
2-8 5/8"x11 1/4" matts

The following sections will be stiched together. Then, all of them will be stiched as one unit. The clue will adhere to the white cotten thread and bind to the white duck cloth.

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Page 143 - 204
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Wear your uniform on Saturday
for photos for the web page:-)

Adults Y James D. Corder
- Y Dr. Cunnyngham
- Y Mr. Morris
- Y Lee Orrick
- Y S. Potter
Youth Y Aaron M. Croyle
- Y Ian C.
- Y Jason Cunnyngham
- Y Nathaniel Graham
- Y Daniel Morris
- Y James J. Scherer
- Y Bill Schwanitz
- Y Jack Trout
Plebes Y Aaron Morris

Sew Books
Clue Books
Weave Cords for February Court-of-Honor

Friday Cracker Barrel
- ? Snacks & Junk Food $.00
- 1/2 Gallon of Coolaide $.00
Satruday Breakfast French Toast & Sausage
Turkey Sausage becuase of Alergies
Per Preson 4 Slices of Bread $.00
- 2 Eggs $.00
- 4 Links of (Turkey) Sausages $.00
- 1 Large Baking Potato
Hash Browns
- 1 Orange $.00
For the Group 1 Bottle of Syrup $.00
- 1 Bag of Powdered Sugar $.00
- 1/2 Gallon of Coolaide $.00
Duty Roster
Cook Aaron M. Croyle, Jason Cunnyngham, Nathaniel Graham
Clean Daniel Morris,

Finnish Books

Tote-n-Chit Mr. Corder Instructor

Aaron M. Croyle, Jason Cunnyngham, Nathaniel Graham, Daniel Morris, James J. Scherer, Ian C., Aaron Morris, Bill Schwanitz, Jack Trout
Satruday Lunch Chilli
Per 10 People: 2lb Ground Beef $.00
- 1 Packet of Chille mix $.00
- 2 Large Can "Stewed" Tomatoes $.00
- 1 Large Box Macaroni Noodles $.00
- 1 Bag of Shredded Cheese $.00
- 1 Large White Onion $.00
- 10 Apples $.00
For the Group 1 Box of Crackers $.00
- 1 Gallon of CoolaidGallon of Coolaide $.00
Duty Roster
Cook Ian C., Aaron Morris,
Clean Bill Schwanitz, Jack Trout, James J. Scherer

Fire-n-Chit Mr. Corder Instructor

Ian C., Aaron Morris, Bill Schwanitz, Jack Trout, Aaron M. Croyle Jason Cunnyngham, Nathaniel Graham, Daniel Morris, James J. Scherer,
Saturday Dinner Pot of Gold
Per 10 People: 2lb Ground Beef $.00
- 2 Tubes of Biscuits Dough $.00
- 1 Bag of Shredded Cheese $.00
- 1 Jar Ragu Sauce $.00
- 1 Large White Onion $.00
- 2 Green Mango's Peppers $.00
- 2 Boxes Jiffy Corn Bread Mix $.00
- 2 Eggs $.00
- 2 Cubs of Milk $.00
- 1 Gallon of Coolaide $.00
- 4lb Bag of Pre-made salad $.00
- 1 Large bottle of Italian Dressing $.00
Misc.: 1 Baog of match-Light Charcoal $.00
Duty Roster
Fire Bill Schwanitz, Jack Trout,
Cook Daniel Morris, James J. Scherer
Clean Aaron M. Croyle, Jason Cunnyngham, Nathaniel Graham

Star Gaze

Saturday Cracker Barrel
Cherrie Cobbler 2 Cans of Cherrie Pie Filling $.00
- 2 Boxes White Jiffy Cake Mix $.00
- 1 Box White Jiffy Icing
Apple Cobbler 2 Cans of Apple Pie Filling $.00
- 2 Boxes White Jiffy Cake Mix $.00
- 1 Box White Jiffy Icing $.00
- 1/2 Cup of Milk $.00
- 1/2 Gallon of Coolaide $.00
Dougnuts 1 Large Tub of Grease $.00
- 4 Tubes of Biscuit Dough $.00
- - Re-Use Powder Sugar from Breakfast -
Misc: 4 Bags of Match-Light Charcoal $.00
Duty Roster
Fire Aaron Morris,
Cook Mr. Corder, Mr. Orrick
Clean Mr. Potter, Mr. Morris

Ucker Term.

Sunday Breakfast Scrambled Eggs
Per Person: 4 Eggs $.00
- 1 Cup of Milk $.00
For the Group: 1 Large Box of Biscuits $.00
- 1 Bottle of Syrup $.00
Duty Roster
Cook Bill Schwanitz, Jack Trout, James J. Scherer
Clean Ian C., Aaron Morris,

Back at Chruch 1:00pm

- 3 Rolls Paper Towels $.00
- 4 Rolls Toilet Paper $.00
- 1 Roll Aluminum Foil $.00
- 1 Salt/Pepper $.00
- 2 Catsup $.00
- 1 Dish Soap $.00

Camping Personal Check List

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