The First Nighter Planning meeting for 1999 Aug 29
In attendence: Bill Schwnaitz, Neil Coplin, Ho-Sheng Hsiao.
Location: Kingsdale Caribou Coffee (5PM)
We broke down the activities into three parts. Here's the next three
meetings (at the church):
1. Presentation at the Schools (rehersal) -- Aug 31
2. First Nighter Rehersal -- Sep 7
3. First Nighter -- Sep 14
Plus details on the flyers.
Neil Coplin:
Okay, here is what we acomplished during our meeting at Caribou today. We
decided exactly what should be in the packets we give to the schools, and
we created a more detailed outline of the presentation to the students at
the schools.
What's in the packets:
- 10 to 15 Flyers to post around the school
- The 14pg. Compilation of the Adventure (the one Mr. Corder did)
- Contact Information for whoever is contacting the school
(so they can get in touch with you)
Our outline for the presentation at the schools:
- Welcome
- Ask Questions to get them engaged (who's been in scouting before?
who likes computers?)
- What we are: UNIX, Youth Mentoring, Real World Job preperation,
Hands on experience, Our Machines.
- What we've done: 90% Placement rate, Web Page, State Fair &
Jr. Achievement, The Adventurer, Gotten ourselves out of debt
- Our Future Plans: Going to Australia and New Zeland, Visiting the
- Supercomputer Center,
becoming the VOA for Simon Kenton Council
- Group Question and Answer Session
- Talk with the students individually and get their contact
information/pass out brochures
These presentations shouldn't be more than 20 minutes, not including
individual talk time afterwards. We were also thinking about getting some
munchies that we would bring out after the presentation to encourage the
students to stay and talk and ask questions. Also, try to look for other
places in the presentation to ask questions (such as for the Adventurer,
"Who wants to be famous?"). We want this presentation to be as interactive
as possible
Ho-Sheng Hsiao:
Neil had started off with the "future plans" article. Let's take it a step
further. Each of us officers should write some sort of a blurb each month,
concerning whatever it is we are doing in our roles as officers. "future
plans" looks good for this month. Next month, it would be something else --
short-term objectives ... Neil could do something about service projects
coming up next month ... Bill could write about planning a trip to a COPE
course ... I could do something about the mini-project in updating sections
of the web page. Whatever. Basically, our Crew activities stated as facts.
The reason? Get writing -- err, let's call it documenting -- on the
Newsletter as a "routine" concept, rather than the traumatic "End of the
monnth, oh NO, I have to write an article!" type of a concept.