At the end of the meeting, we will have addressed the following issues:
- Update plan
When do we:
- call the youths -- day before First Nighter
- mail out invitations -- Thrs of this week
- present to the classes
- accept applications
- Presentation
Mostly, print out Neil Coplin's list and expand it.
Also, the officers should have an outline of what they
will say when they arrive at the meeting.
- Equipment
- Answer these questions: how many? where do we put them?
Who sets them up?
- Tables -- 4 tables
- Demonstration computers -- State Fair computer displays
- Whiteboard -- won't need this, but will need dry erase markers
- Chairs (and chair arrangements) -- auditorium seating
- Sign up sheet and pen -- Bill will create a spreadsheet and bring the pen. Spreadsheet includes the fields: name, grade, school, email, phone, street address, zip
- Applications -- Bill will pick it up on Tuesday.
- First Nighter Brochures
- Schedule for night
- contact
- Uniform -- Call scout shop, get uniform costs
- registration
- book
- Demo books, scrapbook -- display at State Fair
- Munchies -- More pop. Otherwise, we have enough in the cooler.
- Dry erase markers
- Who is going to show up? This includes our current Crew.
Cannot get commitments from anyone but the officers. So the
roles we assign during First Nighter will center around the
officers. If there's more people, great.
- 3-month calender / agenda
What do we do after First Nighter?