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September 14, 1999

Ho-Sheng Hsiao
My Web Page

In attendence: Mr. James D. Corder, Mr. Andrew P. Drake, Mr. Lee Orricks
Neil Coplin, Jason Cunnyngham, Nathaniel Graham, Ho-Sheng Hsiao, Bill Schwatniz, Jack Trout
New attendees: Dr. Cunnyngham, Ian C., Mr. Morris, Daniel Morris, Mrs. Carter, Nick Carter, Jason Payne

This is our First Nighter Program. We went through the program very smoothly. The people we talked to were very interested. However, as you can see from above, the attendence to our open house disappointed us.

Hence, we have not finished our recruiting efforts! Each of the officers have committed to dropping followups and thank-you notes, in addition to urging more students to join our Second Nighter and beyond.

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