In attendence: Neil Coplin, Ho-Sheng Hsiao, Bill Schwanitz
During Venturing Day, we had the opportunity to canoe around the private pool
in the demonstration area, climb the climbing wall, saw the finer points of
backpacking, and participated in a GPS demonstration.
The GPS demonstration was not complete because, while we were able to
complete the first part of our Venturing requirement, we still have to
"find a fixed location during night".
After conferring, we thought of setting up a course during the book-binding
campout. Mr. Orricks mentioned a possibility that we can get a hand-held
GPS system donated to us. If that is the case, we can create the course
during the Friday or Saturday of camp, and at night, follow the course.
On another note: we stayed for the VOA meeting. Unfortunately, there were
a total of 3 Crews who participated, of which Venturing Crew 369 was the
largest. Contact information were established, and a VOA meeting was
tentatively set for the third Wed. of December. Perhaps the VOA will
get its act together. In the meantime, we get ours together too.
Next meeting:
We will talk a bit more about the camping trip as well as the new
recruiting effort. The next trip will cost, in food $20.00, bringing
the total to $40.00 for 3 nights.