Venturing Crew 369's May Calendar of Events

May, 2000
 S  M Tu  W Th  F  S
    1  2  3  4  5  6
 7  8  9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31         
May 2
Munchi Night!
Bring a bag of Munchies and a
2ltr of soda to share
Cub Scouts of America Logo
No Cub Meeting

Venturing Scouts of America Logo
UNIX for Programmers
Programing in sh
Page 321-324
Venturing Scouts of America Logo
Intro to Perl 5
Technical Writing
Page -
James D. Corder, Andy P. Drake, Jon Hogue, S. Potter

Neil Coplin, Aaron M. Croyle, Ian C., Ho-Sheng Hsiao, Daniel Morris, Jack Trout, Heather Anne Ward

May 5
Venturing Scouts of America Logo
Scouts of The Round Table
Knight on the town!
7:00pm Friday to 6:00am Saturday
Dame(s) & Sir(s) only

A Knight is good for his word
A Knight is accountable!
James D. Corder, S. Potter, Neil Coplin, Ian C., Ho-Sheng Hsiao
James D. Corder, S. Potter, Neil Coplin, Ian C., Ho-Sheng Hsiao
May 6
Venturing Scouts of America Logo
Flower Planting
James D. Corder, Jon Hogue, S. Potter

Neil Coplin, Aaron M. Croyle, Ian C., Ho-Sheng Hsiao, Heather Anne Ward

May 6
Boy Scouts of America Logo
Car Wash
Canceled, not enough organiation.
May 7
Venturing Scouts of America Logo
Flower Planting
James D. Corder, Jon Hogue, S. Potter

Neil Coplin, Aaron M. Croyle, Justin Carwford, Ian C., Ho-Sheng Hsiao, Danny Lacy, Daniel Morris, Aaron Morris, Heather Anne Ward, Shane

May 5 & 6
Cub Scouts of America Logo
Webelo's Overnighter?
May 8
Cub Scouts of America Logo Boy Scouts of America Logo Venturing Scouts of America Logo
Committee Meeting
May 9
Boy Scouts of America Logo
Hibernia Clean up
Venturing Scouts of America Logo
UNIX for Programmers
Programing in sh
Page 325-328
Venturing Scouts of America Logo
Intro to Perl 5
Perl Variables
Page -
James D. Corder, Jon Hogue, StephenPotter

Neil Coplin, Aaron M. Croyle, Ian C., Jason Cunnyingham, Ho-Sheng Hsiao, Daniel Morris , Jack Trout, Heather Anne Ward

May 13
Venturing Scouts of America Logo
Flower Planting
James D. Corder, Jon Hogue, S. Potter

Nicholas R. Carter, Neil Coplin, Aaron M. Croyle, Ian C., Ho-Sheng Hsiao, Tom Lowers, Jack Trout, Heather Anne Ward

May 14
Venturing Scouts of America Logo
Flower Planting

8:00 am at the Avery Road McDonalds
Avery road is the first exit on 33 west of 270 [Dubin Ohio].
  • Bring your lunch [brown bag it]...
  • Bring your rain gear!
  • Bring your sun block!
  • Bring a bottle to put water in or a canteen!
  • Wear your uniform shirt!
  • Don't wear your cords, they get in the way...
  • Wear blue geens, You will get muddy...
  • James D. Corder, Jon Hogue

    Neil Coplin, Ian C., Jason Cunnyngham, Ho-Sheng Hsiao, Danny Lacey, Aaron Morris, Daniel Morris, Jack Trout, Heather Anne Ward

    May 13
    Boy Scouts of America Logo
    Car Wash (Rain Date)
    May 16
    Cub Scouts of America Logo
    Final 1999 - 2000 Meeting
    at Reformation Lutheran Curch
    Boy Scouts of America Logo
    Hibernia Clean up
    Venturing Scouts of America Logo
    First Aide
    James D. Corder, Andy P. Drake, S. Potter

    Neil Coplin, Aaron M. Croyle, Ho-Sheng Hsiao, Thomas R. Lowers, Daniel Morris, Jack Trout, Heather Anne Ward

    May 19-20-21
    Boy Scouts of America Logo
    Lutheran Camporee
    at Camp Lazarus
    May 20
    Cub Scouts of America Logo
    Blue & Gold Dinner
    Donatos' Pizza Gif
    May 23
    Boy Scouts of America Logo
    Venturing Scouts of America Logo
    Crew Meeting at Donatos Pizza $6.00
    James D. Corder, Jon Hogue, S. Potter

    Neil Coplin, Aaron M. Croyle, Ian C., Jason Cunnyngham, Ho-Sheng Hsiao, Thomas R. Lowers, Daniel Morris, Jack Trout

    May 27
    Venturing Scouts of America Logo
    Articles are due for
    The Adventure
    James D. Corder, Jonathan Hogue

    Neil Coplin, Aaron Croyle, Ian C., Jason Cunnyngham, Daniel Morris, Jack Trout

    May 30
    Venturing Scouts of America Logo
    UNIX for Programmers
    A Better Family Life!
    Page 329
    James D. Corder, Andy Drake, Jon Hogue, S. Potter

    Neil Coplin, Jason Cunnyngham, Aaron M. Croyle, Ho-Sheng Hsiao, Nathan C. Lee, Thomas R. Lowers, Daniel Morris, Jack Trout, Heather A. Ward

    This page has been accessed  $pagecount"; ?> times. Since May 17th, 2000