James D. Corder,
Andy Drake,
S. Potter,
Jon Hogue
Green Bar
Neil Coplin,
Ho-Sheng Hsiao
Jack Trout,
Jason Cunnyngham,
Daniel Morris,
Nabeel Yousef
Aaron M. Croyle,
Nicholas R. Carter,
Heather Anne Ward
- Birthday Party for Mr. Corder
- Campout
- Murfiled Planting
Group Discussion
- What would the crew do with an OC3?
Advisor Meeting
- Mr. Hogue has been formaly accepted as an Associate Advisor
Waiting on Paperwork.
- Since the President is no longer active, youth leaders will
move up one level: Neil Coplin is now Youth President
and Ho-Sheng Hsiao is now Youth Vice President.
- We will hold an election to determin the new Sec/Tres.
- Since the Patrol Leader of of Hawk is no longer active,
due to college requirements, but has stated a desire to return
the Patrol Leader and Assitant patrol Leader will
switch places. Therefore, Aaron Croyle is now the
Patrol Leader of the Hawk patrol.
- Since it does not look like we will be building the floor,
it has been decided to take some of the floor fund money
and aquire a 501C3. We need to find an attorny willing
to donate his/her time to fill out the government forms.
- Inactive members will be moved into an incative Patrol and
in October will be removed from the Crew.