Silver Beaver Court of Honor
Thursday February 8, 2001
Annual Meeting, Elections
Long Range Planning Report &
Silver Beaver Court of Honor
The Statehouse Atrium - Downtown Columbus
(Parking available in the Statehouse Garage)
Join Us for the Council Annual Meeting & Elections
Long Range Planning Report and the Silver Beaver Court of Honor
Cost for Program (Includes Dessert Social)
Only $9.00 per person (portion of price includes awards & program)
Optional Dining Opportunity for $30 per person or $55 per couple
Registration for Dinenr opens @ 5:45p.m.
Seating & Invocation @ 6:15p.m.
Dinner Served @ 6:30p.m.
- 7:00p.m. Check-In
- 7:15p.m. Dessert Social
- 7:45p.m. Program Begins
Annual Meeting & Elections
Long Range Planning Report
Silber Beaver Court of Honor
- 9:15p.m. Closing
Please send your check to:
SKC Silver Beaver Recgonition Program
1901 East Dublin-Granville Road
Columbus, Ohio 43229
Phone: (614) 436-7200 FAX: (614) 436-7912
We will have _____ attending at $9.00 each
Total remitted for program & dessert @ $9.00 each $________
We will have _____ attending at $30.00 each
Total remitted for program & dessert @ $30.00 each $________
Registration Deadline: January 31, 2001
Final Opportunity to purchase dinner -
$15.00 per person for Dessert Social & Pgram after that date.