Venturing Crew 369's November Calendar of Events

November, 2001
 S  M Tu  W Th  F  S
             1  2  3
 4  5  6  7  8  9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30   
November 2
Boy Scouts of America Logo Camp-out
Slate Run?
Venturing Scouts of America Logo
VOA Elections and Annual Banquet
Novmeber 5
Boy Scouts of America Logo Greenbar Meeting 6:00pm
November 6
Venturing Scouts of America Logo -
Novmeber 11
Venturing Scouts of America Logo Boy Scouts of America Logo Church Dinner
Crew Cooks for the Church

November 20
Venture Scouts of America Logo Crew Meeting

November 27
Venture Scouts of America Logo Crew Planning Meeting
David J. Alden, Mrs. Corder, Don Corder, James D. Corder, Jon Hogue, Mrs. Hogue, Terry Jones, Ralph Maurer, Brian Morris, Mrs. Morris, Roy Niedzielski, TJ Niedzielski, John Ploughe, Danny Street, Mrs. Street, Robert Thorton, Mrs. Thorton, Mike Thorton, Ms. Wittington, Ms. Wittington's Friend
Richie Collins, Chris Gauger, Aaron Morris, Daniel Morris, Will Ploughe
November 24
Venture Scouts of America Logo
Articles are due for
The Adventure
November 23-25
Venturing Scouts of America Logo

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