Not All Present Nor Account For!
P - All Present and Accounted For
A - Not Present but Accounted For
N - Not Present Nor Accounted For
Advisors Not Present but Accounted For
- P - James D. Corder
- P - Andrew P. Drake
- A - Jon Hogue
- P - S. Potter
Green Bar Not Present but Accounted For
- P - Neil Coplin
- A - Ho-Sheng Hsiao
- P - Heather Anne Ward
Owl Not Present Nor Accounted For
- A - Jack Trout PL
- N - Ryan Beach
- N - Ian C. APL
- N - Thomas R. Lowers
- P - Daniel Morris
Hawk Not Present Nor Accounted For
- P - Aaron M. Croyle PL
- N - Ryan Beach
- N - Nathan C. Lee
- P - Lucy Beagle
- N - Mike Bierschenk
- N - Jason Boylen
- P - Michael Sheakoski
- P - William R. Talbert
- President
- William R. Talbert
- Heather Anne Ward
- Vice President
- Aaron M. Croyle
- Jack Trout
- Secretary
- Scribe
White Class:
No Notes:-(
Red Class:
The Red Class server is up-an-running.
Somehow the /dev/null file had 88 characters in it.
Therefore, it would not boot. Hince, the you had
to boot Solaris from CD-Rom. Mount the root drive
partition to the ram drive and then make a new