7:00 Game - Patrol
7:25 Setup - Patrol
- Tables
- Computers
- Room
- Flags
7:30 Opening - Youth
7:35 President's Moment - Heather Ward
- Dates
- February 17 Kight's Night Out
- February 24 Maple Syrup Festival
- February 24 Adventure Articles are due.
- March 3 Maple Syrup Festival
- March 24 Knight's Night Out
- March 24 Adventure Articles are due.
- April 3 Guest Speaker, Dana Ritter, Nationwide Disater Recovery
- April 27, 28, 29 Campout
- April 21 Knight's Night Out
- April 21 Adventure Articles are due.
(out of three depending on weather)
- May 12 & 13 Muirfield
- May 19 & 20 Muirfield
- May 26 & 27 Muirfield
- May 26 Adventure Articles are due.
- Old Business
- New Business
7:40 Advisor's Moment - Advisor
7:50 Classes
- The Vi Editor - Ho-Sheng Hsiao
Page 241 - 257
- Perl Operators - James D. Corder
Page 223
9:00 Advisor's Moment - James D. Corder
9:25 Closing - Youth
9:30 Cleanup - Patrol