Aaron M. Croyle
184 W. 11th Ave. #1003
Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 688-6558
My Web Page
Career Goals

I am seeking to continually improve my system administration skills while helping others further their knowledge and usage of computers.

I am currently most interested in networks and the sercurity of networks.


Giant Eagle Grocery While working here as a cashier I gained customer service experience.
Croyle Enterprises This is my own company, departments include:
  • Personal Tech Support -- Helping students with their PC, Mac, and Linux problems.
  • Consultant Support -- Currently working with an assosiate proffesor in the Fisher College of Bussiness.
    Duties include PC, Linux, and Solaris support, as well as web developement.
Education and Training
The Ohio State University
B.S. in CSE, Expected 2004
Valley Forge High School
Graduated June 1999
Venturing Crew 369, Simon Kenton Council, BSA
A UNIX Mentor Program, specializing in Engineering Computer Information Sciences, while teaching leadership, citizenship, and team skills.
Leadership Includes: Personal Info:


Available upon request.

Aaron M. Croyle
- My Web Page-
184 W. 11th Ave. #404
Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 688-6480

times. Since October 21, 1999
This web site has served resumes!