What Position do you hold in the unit? Secretary/Treasurer
What is your favorite aspect of Venturing? Having a group focused about learning new things about hobbies and themselves.
What is your favorite aspect of Venturing Crew 369? The people in this crew are all upbeat, motivated, amazing people. It's neat to be around inspiring people like them every week.
What are your own personal Interests? I like swing dancing: it's just so much fun! There's always something new to learn, but it's so easy to get started in. Computers truly are more of a hobby of mine, as opposed to a career choice. I also like playing piano and attempting (usually unsuccessfully) to grow plants.
Describe yourself in five words: intellectual, fun-loving, organization-freak, loyal, friendly
What are your favorite films / music / sports? Monty Python and the quest of the Holy Grail, Pi, Return of the Jedi / Classic Rock and Classical / Volleybal and Running (to do), Football and Hockey (to watch)
How would you describe relations within 369? Everyone is good buddies with everyone else. It's unlike any other experience I could name. The feeling of teamwork is unreal.
What things could be improved within 369, and how? We need more people, especially in the younger crowd. Most of us will be gone in 2-4 years. As part of the older group, we need to build a legacy to leave our younger and future members.
What has been your favorite moment within 369's history? picking out toys for underpriviledged children last Christmas was a lot of fun, and it meant something to know the names and ages of the kids we were helping. It made me feel like we really were helping out.
What is your ambition in life? I want to be through medical school by the end of 2006. I want to be married with kids by the time I'm 40. Other than that, I'm open for suggestions.
What three things would you take to a desert island? an inflatable lounge chair, a cooler full of lemonade, and a friend
What, in your opinion, is the phrase which describes the unit the best? results through teamwork
How will Venturing help you in your life? It will continue to motivate me towards excellence in my studies and everything I do. It will help me be more comfortable in the out-of-doors. It will also give me important leadership opportunities and experiences that will help me in any aspect of my life.
What do you want out of Venturing? knowledge of computers and professionalism, and an excuse to be around really cool people.