Venturing Crew 369 was chartered on December 31, 1994 to
the F.C.L.A. and the Reformation Lutheran Church.
Venturing Crew 369 partners with the BSA Youth Ministries program.
Though BSA has Youth Ministries in every faith, 369 is Christian based,
and practices Relational Evangelism:
We value a relational style of evangelism in which we
as vessels empowered by the Holy Spirit, engage in the
process of presenting the gospel in culturally relevant
and intellectually stimulating ways. We value exercising
and attitude of faithful stewarship and partnership
with the Lord in His redeeming and sanctifying
work in the lives of the youth we serve. We are participants
in the process of raising up and nurturing young
believers, trusting the Lord to lead each believer to God's
intended sphere of influences.
Membership in Venturing Crew 369 is open to young men
and women between the ages of 14 (and in high school)
and not yet 21. Annual membership fees are $25.00.