Scouting for Lutheran Youth
The Record
Lutheran congregations have used the Scouting program locally for more
than 70 years. Scouting has been recommended at various times to constituent
congregations by their respective church bodies as a viable resource for
ministry with children, youth, and families. There are 147,824 Lutheran
youth members in more than 4,300 Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops,
Varsity Scout teams, and Venturing crews.
National Liaison
Since 1926, Lutheran congregations have been apprised by their national
church bodies about the benefits to youth who participate in the Scouting
program and to the congregations that provide it. To assist congregations
in their ministry with youth in Scouting, the National Lutheran Committee
on Scouting was formed in 1941 with representation from the Lutheran Church
bodies, which encompassed approximately 95 percent of the nation's
In 1967, the work of the National Lutheran Committee on Scouting was
incorporated into the Lutheran Council in the U.S.A. (LCUSA). Since 1990,
official liaison with the Boy Scouts of America has continued through
the Lutheran Committee on Civic Youth Agency Relationships. This committee
is formed by and responsible to the youth ministry departments of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Lutheran
Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS).
In 1980, the National Lutheran Association of Scouters (NLAS) was formed.
Incorporated in 1982, the NLAS serves as a resource to local Lutheran
associations of Scouters and committees. The NLAS has a regional structure
consistent with that of the BSA and represents its membership on the BSA
Religious Relationships Committee.
Church Functions
The Lutheran Church bodies work with the Boy Scouts of America to
- Develop and strengthen mutually beneficial relationships with the Boy
Scouts of America
- Provide literature related to Scouting and the church's ministry with
children, youth, and families
- Provide and administer religious growth programs for Lutheran youth
in Scouting
- Emphasize the religious aspect of the Scouting program
- Promote religious worship at outdoor Scouting functions, BSA national
jamborees, and a chaplaincy program at Scout summer camps
- Foster among Lutheran congregations a regard for Scouting as a resource
for ministry and assist congregations with Scouting units to use those
units as effective ministry tools
- Help Lutheran adults in Scouting understand and carry out their ministry
roles and give recognition to those who faithfully serve children and
youth through the Scouting program
NLAS Mission
National Lutheran Association of Scouters fosters character and spiritual
development in youth and adults by linking the resources of Lutheran and civic
youth-serving organizations.
NLAS Functions
The National Lutheran Association of Scouters was formed to
- Encourage Lutheran congregations to use the program and resources of
the Boy Scouts of America as a means of extending their ministry to
children, youth, and families, as well as for community outreach
- Encourage Lutheran youth to grow in knowledge of the Triune God and
in their relationship to the Lutheran Church through religious
growth programs
- Publish a periodic newsletter, The Lutheran Scouter
- Foster the organization and growth of local Lutheran associations of
Scouters, committees on Scouting, and similar groups
- Sponsor national meetings and regional forums of the membership
- Promote the use of unit and camp chaplains and chaplain aides
- Foster such other relationships and programs as may be jointly
approved by its Executive Board
The NLAS also gives leadership to the Lutheran break-out sessions held in
conjunction with the Scouting in the Church's Ministry conference at Philmont
Scout Ranch. It also notifies local associations when a youth enrolls in the
religious growth program or receives the emblem.
Religious Growth Programs
Religious growth programs provided for Lutheran youth in Scouting include:
God and Me: For youth in grades one through three, this program encourages
children to tell the story of their lives, think about the life and teachings of Jesus,
and see how God is present in their lives today.
God and Family: For youth in grades four and five, this program fosters
growth in relationship to self, God, family, friends, neighbors, community, and
the future.
God and Church (Lutheran): For youth in grades six through eight, this
program provides children with an opportunity to understand the church's structures
and objectives, and to participate in service projects that will give them a better
understanding of the mission of the church.
God and Life: For youth in grades nine through 12, this program helps
young people grow as Christians by fostering in them a closer relationship with
their Lord, a heightened awareness of their worship experiences, an eagerness
and ability to be personal witnesses to their faith, and enthusiasm for sharing
in the outreach efforts of the congregations.
God and Country mentor program (adult curriculum): A mentor is someone
who serves as a living example for another person. This God and Country mentor
program is designed to help adults look directly at what it means to serve as a
Christian mentor, and it suggests how to have a positive, Christian influence on
a child. The mentor curriculum is designed for an adult working with a young
person who is enrolled in the God and Country program series.
Information and materials concerning the religious growth programs, the Lamb
Award, or the Servant of Youth Award may be obtained from P.R.A.Y. (Programs of
Religious Activities with Youth), 8520 Mackenzie Road, St. Louis, MO 63123-3433;
telephone 800-933-PRAY. Information concerning NLAS or the locations and addresses
of local Lutheran associations of Scouters or committees on Scouting may be obtained
from the NLAS secretary at the same address.