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    Bill Nelson

    Scouting as Education

    The Boy Scouts of America is the largest youth oriented organization in the United States. More than 4 million young people and leaders are currently registered in the Boy Scouts of America.

    Unlike Cub Scouting, which many of you are familiar with, Boy Scouting is a youth-lead organization. The boys learn how to organize and lead the Troop. After training, and with adult supervision, the boys run the show. The boys in the Troop will be working towards their 1st class and then Eagle ranks. As they travel on their trail to Eagle and beyond, they will not only learn how to lead a team to a goal, they will lead teams of Scouts in a number of challenging situations.

    Boy Scouting also provides for growth of moral strength and character, teaches citizenship, and enhances the development of physical, mental and emotional fitness. This is all done in the spirit of fun and adventure.

    Please take a few minutes to read Chapter One of your son's Boy Scout Handbook.

    For families to achieve the full benefit from the program, parents should realize that Scouting is as educational as sitting in a classroom.

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