Copyright NoticeThis file or parts of it may be freely used, printed and re-distributed as long as you enclose this paragraph and keep the references to the respective contributors and to the maintainer (listed below) intact.Bill Nelson UniformOrganizations keep official guides for uniforming. Usually, if it is not detailed in the uniform guide, it should not be worn on the uniform.The BSA *Insignia Guide* details where to put just about everything on the BSA uniform for both adults and scouts. It is very inexpensive, and available at your local Scout Shop. Every unit should purchase at least one each year, since it is updated on an annual basis. An on-line version of the insignia guide can be found at: According to the Insignia Guide there is only one official uniform for Boy Scout Troops. It includes the following statement: "No alteration of, or additions to, the official uniforms, as described inthe official publications, or the rules and regulations covering the wearing of the uniform and the proper combinations thereof on official occations, may be authorized by any Scouting official or local council, or any local executive board or committee, except the Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America after consideration by the Program Group Committee." By the way, there are no official class B uniforms, there is only one uniform for Boy Scouts and it is officially called the 'field' uniform, and unofficially known by most of us as the class A uniform.
What is optional:For information on the Cub Scout uniform see: This page has been accessed $pagecount"; ?> times. Since November 10th, 2000 |