Copyright NoticeThis file or parts of it may be freely used, printed and re-distributed as long as you enclose this paragraph and keep the references to the respective contributors and to the maintainer (listed below) intact.Bill Nelson Winter GamesTHE SNOW SNAKE GAME
On a long, 1/4 mile or more , level surface, build a long pile of snow, 2 feet high, 2 feet wide. This will occupy a winter camporee of about 100 scouts for an hour or so. Make a V shaped trough in the pile, smooth and ice it thoroughly. All contestants have previously carved a snow snake. It should be 5 to 7 feet long, about 1 1/2 inches high at the 2 to 4 inch long head. The eyes of the snake are where it is weighted. The snake should never be wider than 3/4 inch and is usually only a 1/2 inch high, behind the head. The bottom is rounded, the top, behind the head is flat. The underside of the head should curve up like a ski. Decorations and carvings should be done on the non-sliding surfaces. The snow snake is held in the throwing hand with the index finger at the end of the snake, like a sling. The snake is supported with the non throwing hand during a running head start. The arm movement is a crass between a baseball side-arm pitch and a bowling delivery. Using these directions, at the defunct Iroquois Council's 1973 Gawasa, a 14 year old scout threw a snow snake more than 1/4 mile down the trough. I have seen the Huron Nation build troughs on Lake Michigan over 3 miles long, and one year saw a television report of a Huron throwing a snow snake over 2 miles down a trough (about 1978). The younger scouts get really impressed when they see what they are capable of.
In general I think that you can do a lot of things at a winter camp that you can do in the summer, you just have to remember to stay dry. One final note, Hot Chocolate tastes GREAT at -20 C!!! Enjoy! This page has been accessed $pagecount"; ?> times. Since November 10th, 2000 |