Exploring Gif
Post President of the Year

This award will be presented to the Post President who shows outstanding leadership to his/her Post by performance in the following areas: Post Meeting; Communications with Advisor; Post Members; and Council and human relations.

Application Information

Nominee: _______________________________________________________________________
           (First M. Last)

Address: ____________________________ City: _____________ ST: ___ Zip: _________

Phone: ______________________________________ Years Involved in Exploring: _____

Current Position in Exploring: _________________________________________________

Post #: ______ Sponsoring Organization: ________________________________________

Positions Held in Exploring:




Special Awards and Recognition This Person Has Received:




Why Do You Believe This Person Should Receive This Award? Give Facts:




Please include additional pages if necessary to answer questions. 
Attach any written documents in support of this person receiving 
the award (i.e. letters of recommendation).

Nominator's Name: _______________________________________________

Phone Number: ___________________________________________________

Position in Exploring: __________________________________________

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