Table of Contents
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![]() By: James D. Corder |
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How to start Youth Mentor Programs within your company utilizing Boy Scouts of America's Venturing and Exploring Program |
The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to serve others by helping to instill values in young people and, in other ways, to prepare them to make ethical decisions over their lifetime in achieving their full potential.
In fulfilling this mission, Exploring's purpose is to provide experiences to help young people mature at this stage in their lives and to prepare them to become responsible and caring adults. Explorers are ready to examine the meaning of interdependence in their relationships with other youth, Advisors, and the community.
Exploring is based on a unique and dynamic relationship between community organizations and the youth in that community. Local community organizations initiate specific Explorer Posts, and they do this by matching the people and program recourses within their own organizations to the interests of young people in the surrounding community. The result is a program of activities that help the youth pursue their special interest, grow, and develop.
Networking with business and education. Training future employees. Keeping students in school. Promoting higher education. Improving the awareness and image of career opportunities while supporting the community.
2. Ethical Decision Making. By asking young people to be responsible for themselves, for a program of activities and experiences, and for other people, Exploring provides numerous opportunities for decision making and ethical choices. With the influence of capable adults and structured activities, youth learn to make effective and ethical decisions.
3. Group Activity. Exploring activities are interdependent group experiences in which success depends on the cooperation of all.
4. Recognition of achievement. This recognition might come through formal awards, but it also is achieved through the acknowledgment by peers and adults of the young person's competence and ability.
5. Democratic process. Exploring provides exposure to democratic ideals and skills that are needed throughout life.
6. Curiosity, exploration, and adventure. Exploring provides new experiences, opportunities for developing new skills, and meaningful participation in action-oriented activities.
The first step is to send out a note either via company E-Mail or by paper mail asking for volunteers. The following is a sample not to mail out:
Subject: Youth Mentor Programs
Company Name is forming three youth mentor programs [Career Youth Mentor Programs]:
These coeducational programs will be for students 14 (and in high school) and not yet 20 years of age. It will be open to all Central Ohio students (both high school and college) with first choice being given to Company Name staff members' children.
Unit meetings will be held every Wednesday 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. These Youth Mentor Programs will have access to the Company Name facilities. The actual youth mentor program is still in the planning stages and will be heavily influenced by its Advisor, Associate Advisor, and Consultants.
A training program for our Adult Volunteers is being developed in joint cooperation with Company Name, and Successful Unit Number.
We are currently looking for 3 staff members to volunteer to be the Advisors, one for each program, and 6 Associate Advisors, two for each program. Consultants are brought on-board to teach specialized classes as needed. Also, we need someone that would like to be the Committee Chairman for this program.
If you are interested in volunteering for this program or would like your student to be a member please e-mail (1) There will be a meeting for those interested in becoming an Adult Volunteers on December, X 1998 10:00 a.m. where you can ask questions.
I look forward to working with you over the coming years,
Big Wig
The Institutional Representative opens the meeting and explains why their company is starting Youth Mentor Programs and how this will benefit the community and employees' children.
The Institutional Representative introduces the District Executive and any of the District Committee that has come to assist.
The Institutional Representative may stay for the rest of the meeting or leave at this time.
Each Youth Mentor Program must have a unique Advisor and Associate Advisor.
All Units can use the same committee.
The Institutional Representative is a part of this committee but is not required to attend all of the monthly committee meetings.
The District Executive will find someone to do the following training:
Provide funding for coping and mailing the First Nighter Invitational Letters.
Sign the First Nighter Innovational Letters
The District Executive will teach the Advisors how to use the Career Interest Survey.
The District Executive will give the Advisors sample First Nighter Invitation Letters.
Plan the First Nighter.
Make sure you include a R.S.V.P. phone number for the youth to contact the Advisor and/or the Associate Advisor.
Gives the welcome speech and explains why the company has a Youth Mentor Program.
Passes out applications.
6.4 Sample Agenda | |||||||||||||||||||
Committee Chairman
Institutional Representative
Advisor #1
Advisor #2
Advisor #3
District Executive
Committee Chairman & District Executive
Committee Chairman
| Pick up applications |
The Institutional Representative only needs to attend about once a quarter. Or when needed.
The Advisor always has the right to overrule.
Every Explorer Post must decide what its goals are and how it is going to carry them out, and then actually do it. This requires leadership of two kinds. One set of leadership skills is focused on getting these things done. Explorers learn how to make decisions, how to plan activities, and what is involved in actually being responsible for carrying out decisions.
Another set of leadership skills focuses on relationships between and among Explorers and officers. A good leader learns the values of working cooperatively with other people, making activities fun, communicating, listening, and all the things that make relationships work.
Second, remember that as a leader your role is to help develop leadership skills and abilities in Explorers in your post. The two best ways to learn leadership are to see others exercising leadership, and to be put in a position where one must be a leader. In Exploring, both are possible. Every Explorer sees other Explorers, officers, and Advisors exercising leadership. If done right, they will learn by exposure to good leadership role models.
The other way, learning by doing, is easy to imagine for Advisors and officers. By being placed in positions where they are responsible for activities and other people, they learn to be leaders.
But what about everybody else? Here we come back to our understanding of the purpose of Exploring and the meaning of leadership. Exploring is about the development of post members, specifically the development of leadership. To develop leadership in all Explorers you must provide them with opportunities to be leaders - to plan and carry out activities and to make relationships work.
Explorers can chair activity committees. They care responsible of supporting the post program by working on the development of relationships with other post members nad gaining their participation. While doing so, they are developing leadership skills. The role of the officer is to help find a place for each person in the post to be a part of making Exploring happen.
Leadership is not something invested in one person or a small group of post members. Andy activity requires a variety of leadership actions. All the different leade4ship functions can be shared among several Post members at the same time.
An Explorer also learns how to be a leader - not by watching someone else, but by doing it. Explorers learn to make ethical decisions, to plan and event, to communicate, or to encourage others by being in a position where those skills and actions are necessary.
To help guide Exploring Youth toward career goals in fields of Computer Information Sciences specializing in the UNIX(tm) System Administration and networking technologies.
To serve others by helping to instill values of good character, participation citizenship and personal fitness in young people, and in other ways prepare them to make ethical choices in their lifetimes for achieving their full potential.
We are dedicated to providing each member of the unit practical experience in the field of Computer Information Sciences through education in UNIX System Administration and UNIX Networking.
We seek to implement a program of activities that develops the whole person, and that entails providing activities and experiences beyond our regular meetings.
We seek to provide an opportunity for each of our members to expand and enhance their leadership qualities, and experience what it means to develop themselves and see growth in others.
The post will try to have at least one meeting or activity beyond the regular Tuesday scheduled meeting every month.
Serve as youth leader of the Unit.
Implements the Unit program through officers and members.
Works closely with Advisors and other adult leaders in a spirit of partnership.
Represents the Unit at meetings of the Officers' Association and program planning conferences and is available to report to the chartered organization and Unit Committee.
Assists the Unit Advisor in conducting the Unit Offers' Seminar.
Appoints youth chairpersons of special projects and appoints special Unit Officers.
Presents the annual report to the chartered organization and/or Unit Committee at the conclusion of his/her term of office.
Assesses on an ongoing basis whether the reproducibilities of the officers are being considered and carried out effectively.
Approaches Venturing and encourages others to approach Venturing in a spirit of fun and enjoyment.
Serves as administrative officer of the Unit.
Assumes the responsibilities of the Unit President in his or her absence.
Leads the recruiting and admission of new members during the year.
Organizes and recognizes the achievements of Unit members.
Conducts opening and closing ceremonies for special occasions as scheduled.
Attends all Unit Activities.
Attends the Officer Association Meetings.
Approaches Venturing activities in a spirit of Fun and seeks to reflect this spirit in the recruiting of new members and through recognizing the achievements of Unit members.
Is a team leader of one of the Unit Patrols.
Serves as the program officer of the Unit and, in that position, arranges the program planning process for the Unit.
Collects and maintains a Unit activity file consisting of the Program Capability Inventory, a listing of Post member interests and suggestions for activities, program resources, and an annual activity schedule.
Determines the interest of the Unit members on an ongoing basis (Unit Interest Surveys.)
Provides support for the President and committee for each activity.
Approaches and encourages others to approach Venturing activities in a spirit of fun and enjoyment.
Is a team leader of one of the Unit Patrols.
Maintains Unit membership records and attendance records.
Handles Unit correspondence and minutes.
Coordinates Unit publicity through local media, Post newsletters, and the Unit's telephone network.
Approaches Venturing in a spirit of fun and seeks to reflect this spirit in the publicity and communications of the Unit.
Collects and disburses Unit funds
Communicates with the Officers and members on a regular basis to keep them informed about their finances
Approaches Venturing in a spirit of fun and spreads this spirit in the carrying out of his/her responsibilities.
The Historian serves as the historical officer, maintaining any important archival information, pictures, news articles, awards, or special objects.
The Historians shall keep a record of extra-curricular Unit activities, and where possible, collect pictorial information on them.
The Historian also shall maintain in the Unit archives any pertinent news clips or media exserts in relation to the Unit.
At the same time, the Historian shall also coordinate any exhibits or displays the Unit chooses to create for its archives
The Historian shall attend all Unit Activities.
Each unit should define how they are going to achieve each of the six points in the Experience Areas:.
2. Learn UNIX Systems Administration [SA], how the SA supports the applications programmer and the systems programmer; and how they support each other in understanding what is needed, knowing the capabilities of the UNIX computers, and getting expected results.
3. Track the advancement route of the data processing field: computer programmer, to systems analyst, to field or lead systems analyst, to system administrator to lead system administrator, to senior system administrator. Know the training, experience, and special education needed to advance.
Venturing Crew 369 will meet weekly on Tuesday evenings 7:30pm to 9:00pm excluding observed holidays, and at the discretion of the Advisor or the Crew Committee, at the Reformation Lutheran Church.
The normal term of the office shall be for one year starting on February 1. Election nominations shall be held the first Tuesday of March. Election speeches shall be held the second Tuesday in March. Elections shall be the third Tuesday in January. Anyone can nominate anyone, including themselves, for any elected youth position.
No nominations will be excepted after the beginning of the second Tuesday in March.
The elections shall be by secret ballots
The candidate must win by at least a 51% margin of a quorum.
In any activity where either the participants are expected to change clothes, such as swimming, or spend the night there shall be at least two adults (21 or over) for each gender. If only one gender is in attendance then only two adults, of that gender, are needed. If both genders are present then two adults of each gender are required. At least one adult must be a registered member of Unit. Mothers and Fathers will do as chaperones.