Danny Sag, SA.
Date: 25-1-97
An extract from the Computers Column in The Advertiser, 25th Jan.
By John Harris.
" A more successful endeavor was undertaken earlier this month by
Adelaide's iiNet Technologies, an Internet service company that joined
forces with the Scouting Association of SA to provide what was claimed
to be the world's first Internet broadcast of 4.5 hours of live
uninterrupted rock music.
On January 8, 2500 Scouts, Venturers and Rovers enjoyed an
Internet delivered concert featuring Australian band Def FX, two cover
bands and a comedian.
The audience was joined by viewers and listeners via 500 Web sites in
72 countries using WebCam and RealAudio multimedia products, with sound
and images delivered by the Internet."
An OK rapport, but of course there are factual errors.
I am disappointed there is no mention of Mega 10 (or 10th
Australian Venture), Woodhouse, or the Mega 10 Website.
Of course, how many Scouts were at the Venture? Very few, I
imagine. At least they got Venturers right, huh?
As for the bands - Def FX are good, but the others - Splash (the
warmup cover band) I thought were great, and the superjesus are
not classed as a cover band, because they play all original stuff.
As for the comedian, who hasn't heard of Russell Gilbert!
Notice no mention of the closing ceremony either.
Anyway, well done to Alan, Mia, and the Internet team - you
made the press!
Ian Loxton
Date: 15-4-97
I was part of the team at Internet Central for the Woodhouse related
part of Mega 10.
My impressions are of the lines forming in the morning and the room
being full till very late at night. A very popular site and many
Venturers enjoyed their visit.
What peeved me is the lack of any control of the sites or content that many
of the Venturers were participating in.
Some of the channels on the IRC that they were allowed to access and some
of the behaviour of so-called 'young adults' was close to gutter level.
Filthy language has no place in Scouting and whether or not these young
people were of an 'adult' age or not, it was the responsibility of the
Team to ensure that behaviour was up to Scouting standards. They did not.
Even when I mentioned that the trash was continuing I was 'told' that as
these were adults we could not censor. Rubbish !!
My view is, as they were attending a Scout Association event then they
should conform their behaviour to accepted Scouting standards.
I am not saying anything against the event or the organisation or
the staff. Everything was as good as it could be given the location and
the weather conditions.
My one beef is the unwillingness of the Team to apply Scout standards of
behaviour to the participating young people.
This page was donated to 369 on 10/20/2001 by Danny Sag, Thank you Danny!