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Venturing V on Sphere

December 3rd, 1999

Ho-Sheng Hsiao
My Web Page

Gentlement's Club:


  • 38-126-A James D. Corder
  • 28-093-A S. Potter

  • 29-097-A Nicholas R. Carter
  • 33-110-A Neil Coplin
  • 27-090-A Aaron M. Croyle
  • 34-113-A Ian C.
  • 34-113-A Jason Cunnyngham
  • 37-123-A Nathaniel Graham
  • 31-103-A Ho-Sheng Hsiao
  • 28-093-A Bill Schwanitz
  • Attandance

  • James D. Corder
  • S. Potter

  • Nicholas R. Carter
  • Neil Coplin
  • Nathaniel Graham
  • Ho-Sheng Hsiao
  • Bill Schwanitz
  • Activities

  • Dinner at Red Lobster 6:00p.m.
  • Toy Story 2 8:15p.m.
  • Fellowship

    Ho-Sheng Hsiao

    We went to the Red Lobster's in the Dublin area. There, we had a choice in various crustaceans of all sorts. We talked about where we're going with the Crew. The patrols, for example, were chosen to be very well-balanced. We talked about the patches, then moved on to our discussion of what's going to happen with the Court of Honor. Basically, we're going to move the Court of Honor. There's some disadvantages, but I know some of us are eager to have that new cord too. We also talked about the three registered youths we need to have a Perl class.

    Speaking of which, there will be a seminar for the first-year Red-level classes

    I brought up the topic of GIMP again. I found out that the Script-FU language is a Scheme-based lanaguage. That means, it's syntax is similar to LISP. However, there is a Perl-Fu module, so one can write scripts based on Perl. That requires Perl 5, and two other bindings to it. Otherwise, the API between the two languages are the same (meaning it is easier to port Script-Fu to Perl-Fu). With Perl-Fu, we can also create CGI scripts that automagically creates dynamic graphics. Finally, we're having a Perl course -- this would be a great project to do.

    We then caught the 8:15 showing of Toy Story 2. That was a really cool movie. From the start, we saw references to a certain other movie ... but lest we spoil the movie, go see it for yourself. :-) Some of the scenes are incredible -- you almost can't tell they were animated.

    All in all, worth coming to, and worth going to again.

    James D. Corder

    It was great fun. Gathering together at Red Lobster. We received several nice comments about how well behaved our youth are, and the fact that they are brave enough to wear their uniform in public. The conversation went from Microsoft possibly being tossed out of Germany for religious reasons to building one of the 500 fastest computers in the world. Oh, if the Venturing Crew only had $14,000,000.00 laying around.

    The fellowship is what the Gentleman's Club is all about. But it is the hard work and dedication, being accountable for ones word, that gets a you in.

    Toy story 2 was hilarious. The satire on Star War and Star Trek kept you rolling in the isles. Pixstar did a great job controlling the content of the movie. The sexual innuendoes where so subtle that they were able to keep their G rating. Numerous times you could hear a small fry uttering to their parents "I don't get it?" as the older generation busted a gut.

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