Our Wish List
Dire Need
- 50 Wyse 60's (or other vt100 clone terminals)
- 50 cables and connectors
- 4 16 port, RJ45 Terminal Servers (SunOS or Solaris)
Need by September 2001
- 20 Sun Workstations Monitors, Keboards, etc
- Anything else Sun:-)
Be nice to have!
- 2 - LCD Projector
- 2 - Notebook Computer to run the Projectors on.
Fase Two of our Program!
- An attorney to volunteer to help us get a 501C3
Our Own Building
Money to operate our own building
Ok, Think Big:-)
Cray Mvc
Cray T3D
SGI PowerChallenge Array
SGI O2 Array
SUN Microsystems
Sun-SLC,ELC,IPC,IPX, SparcII, Sparc5, Sparc10, Sparc20, Ultra10
Or just about any Sun System to make up our new lab:-)
Updated July 19, 1999.
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