Scouting Crossword Puzzle

How to play:

1) The current word you are working on is highlighted in yellow.
2) The current letter is highlighted in cyan.
3) Click on any letter to move to that word.
4) <spacebar> switches between across and down. It pivots around the current letter.
5) <back space> erases the current letter.
6) Incorrect letters are drawn in red.

Take a look at the source

15th point of the Scout Law 2Father, Son & Holy Gost
5The Best Troop in the World 32nd point of the Scout Law
611th point of the Scout Law 4Taps are played at
91st point of the Scout Law 5The Best Troop in the World
106th point of the Scout Law 6The camp is build beside the water way
134th point of the Scout Law 72nd point of the Scout Law
1512th point of the Scout Law 88th point of the Scout Law
17Scouting is 1110th point of the Scout Law
1912th point of the Scout Law 12To get more Scouts to join your Troop
20Boy Scouts are a member of a 14Coub Scout

16????-Line, a knot

18Bear Cubs live in a

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