Address for - Eagle Congratulation Letters

Title FirstName LastName JobTitle Company Address1 Address2 City State PostalCode Dearwho Number
The Honorable Bill Frist Senate Minority Leader
416 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510

Senator Frist

The Honorable J. Dennis Hastert Speaker, House of Representatives
235 Cannon HOB
Washington DC 20515- Mr Speaker 2
The Honorable Richard A. Gephardt Senate Minority Leader
1236 Longworth House Office Building
Washington DC 20515 Representative Gephardt 3
The Honorable


Pelosi House Minority Leader
2457 Rayburn House Office Bldg
Washington DC 20515 Representative Pelosi 4
The Honorable Richard K. Armey House Majority Leader
301 Cannon HOB
Washington DC 20515-4326 Representative Armey 5
The Honorable Kay Bailey Hutchinson
United States Senate 239 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510 Senator Hutchinson 6
The Honorable John Cornyn
US Senate 370 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510 Senator Gramm 7
Ms Christine Todd Whitman Administrator, EPA
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington DC
Ms Whitman 8
Ambassador John Negroponte

U.S. Mission to the United Nations 799 United Nations Plaza New York NY 10017 Ambassador Negroponte 9
President George W. Bush The White House Greeting Room
Room 39 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC 20500 President Bush 10
The Honorable Richard Cheney Vice President of the United States
Old Executive Office Building
Washington DC 20501-0011 Vice President Cheney 11
The Honorable John Ashcroft Attorney General Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington DC 20530 Mr. Ashcroft 12
The Honorable Ann Veneman Secretary of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave. SW
Washington DC 20250 Secretary Veneman 13
The Honorable Donald Evans Secretary of Commerce
1401 & Constitution Ave. NW
Washington DC 20230 Secretary Evans 14
The Honorable Donald Rumsfield Secretary of Defense
The Pentagon
Washington DC 20301-1400 Secretary Rumsfield 15
The Honorable Roderick Paige Secretary of Education
400 Maryland Ave. SW
Washington DC 20202 Secretary Paige 16
The Honorable Spencer Abraham Secretary of Energy
1000 Independence Ave. SW
Washington DC 20585 Secretary Abraham 17
The Honorable Tommy Thompson Secretary of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Ave. SW
Washington DC 20201 Secretary Thompson 18
Vice Admiral Richard H Carmona Surgeon General of the United States Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Ave. SW
Washington DC 20201 Vice Admiral Carmona 19
The Honorable Mel Martinez Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
451 7th St. SW
Washington DC 20410-0001 Secretary Martinez 20
The Honorable Gale Norton Secretary of Interior
1849 C Street NW
Washington DC 20240 Secretary Norton 21
The Honorable Elaine Chao Secretary of Labor
200 Constitution Ave. NW
Washington DC 20210 Secretary Chao 22
The Honorable Colin L. Powell Secretary of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington DC 20520 Secretary Powell 23
The Honorable Norman Mineta Secretary of Transportation
400 7th Street SW
Washington DC 20590 Secretary Mineta 24
The Honorable Paul H. O'Neill Secretary of Treasury
Room #4404 1500 Pennsylvania Ave Washington DC 20220 Secretary O'Neill 25
Mr. Robert Mueller Director Federal Bureau of Investigation J. Edgar Hoover Building 935 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington DC 20535-0001 Director Mueller 26
Mr. George J. Tenet Director Central Intelligence Agency

Washington DC 20505

Director Tenet

Mr. W. Ralph Basham Director U.S. Secret Service 950 H. St NW
Washington DC 20223 Director Basham 28

Boy Scout Program Manager National Park Service 1849 C Street NW
Washington DC 20240 Sir 29
Ms. Fran Mainella Director National Park Service 1849 C Street, NW
Washington DC 20240 Mr. Mainella 30

US Fish and Wildlife Service
National Conservation Training Center
Division of Education Outreach 698 Conservation Way Shepherdstown WV 25433

Mr. John E. Potter Postmaster General/CEO U.S. Postal Service 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW
Washington DC 20260-0010 Mr. Potter 31
- - - - Department of the Army FONT> - -
Honorable Victoria Clarke Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
The Pentagon Room 1E776 Washington DC 20301-1400 Secretary Clarke 33
General Richard Myers Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Pentagon
Washington DC 20318-9999 General Myers 34
General Eric K. Shinseki Army Chief of Staff
200 Army, The Pentagon
Washington DC 20310 General Shinseki 35
General John P Jumper Air Force Chief of Staff
1670 Air Force, The Pentagon
Washington DC 20330 General Jumper 36
Dr. Condolezza Rice National Security Advisor National Security Council National Security Council at the White House
Washington DC 20504 Dr. Rice 37
Justice Stephen Breyer
Supreme Court of the United States

Washington DC 20543 Justice Breyer 38
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Supreme Court Of the United States

Washington DC 20543 Justice Ginsburg 39
Justice Anthony M. Kennedy
Supreme Court of the United States

Washington DC 20543 Justice Kennedy 40
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
Supreme Court of the United States

Washington DC 20543 Justice O'Connor 41
Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist
Supreme Court of The United States

Washington DC 20543 Chief Justice Rehnquist 42
Justice David H. Souter
Supreme Court of the United States

Washington DC 20543 Justice Souter 43
Justice Clarence Thomas
Supreme Court of the United States

Washington DC 20543 Justice Thomas 44
Justice Antonin Scalia
Supreme Court of the United States

Washington DC 20543 Justice Scalia 45
Justice John Paul Stevens
Supreme Court of the United States

Washington DC 20543 Justice Stevens 46
President George Bush

10000 Memorial Drive Suite 900 Houston Texas 77024 President Bush 47
President Gerald Ford

P.O. Box 927
Rancho Mirage California 92270 President Ford 48
President Jimmy Carter
Carter Presidential Center One Copenhill Ave. N.E.
Atlanta Georgia 30307 President Carter 49
President William J Clinton

55 W. 125th St. 12th Floor Harlem NY
President Clinton 50
President Ronald Reagan

2121 Avenue of the Stars
Los Angeles California 90067 President Reagan 51
Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson

LBJ Ranch
Stonewall Texas 78671 Mrs. Johnson 52
Lt General William Lennox Superintendent United States Military Academy

West Point New York 10996-5000 Lt General Lennox 53

Associate Director of Admissions Virginia Military Institute

Lexington Virginia 24450-0304 Sir 54
Brig General S. Taco Gilbert Commandant of Cadets USAF Academy 34 TRW/CC 2354 Fairchild Drive, Suite 5A10 USAF Academy Colorado 80840-6260 General Gilbert 55
Vice Admiral Richard Naughton Superintendent U.S. Naval Academy 121 Blake Road
Annapolis Maryland 21402-5000 Vice Admiral Naughton 56
Rear Admiral RC Olsen Jr Superintendent U.S. Coast Guard Academy 15 Mohegan Avenue
New London Connecticut 06320-4095 Admiral Olsen 57
Commander Russ Bartlett Flight Leader Navy Blue Angels Naval Air Station Pensacola
Pensacola Florida 32508-7801 Commander Bartlett 58
Lt Col. Richard G McSpadden Jr. Commander/Leader USAF Thunderbirds 4445 Tyndell Ave.
Nellis AFB Nevada 89191-6079 Lt Col. McSpadden 59
Major General Larry D Gottardi Chief of Public Affairs Department of the Army The Pentagon Room 2E631 Washington DC 20310 General. Gottardi 60
Scout Letters

HQ USAF/PAC 2304 Cadet Drive, Suite 318
USAF Academy Colorado 80840-5015 Sir 61
Honorable Thomas E White Secretary of the Army
1000 Defense, The Pentagon
Washington DC 20301-1000 Secretary White 62

Gordon R

England Secretary of the Navy
1000 Navy, The Pentagon
Washington DC 20350-1000 Secretary England 63
Dr James Roche Secretary of the Air Force
1670 Air Force, The Pentagon
Washington DC 20330-1670 Dr. Roche 64
Admiral Vern Clark Chief of Naval Operations
Room 4E674 The Pentagon Washington DC 20350 Admiral Clark 65
Admiral Thomas Collins Commandant US Coast Guard 2100 2nd Street SW
Washington DC 20593-0001

Admiral Collins

General James Jones Commandant of the Marine Corps HQ US Marine Corps 2 Navy Annex
Washington DC 20380-1775 General Jones 67
Mr Gene “Ron” Wilson Commander-in-Chief Sons of Confederate Veterans P.O. Box 59
Columbia Tennessee 38402-0059 Commander Wilsom 68
Mr. Ray Sisk Commander-in-Chief Veterans of Foreign Wars 406 W. 34th Street
Kansas City Missouri 64111 Commander Sisk 69
Mr. David Ross Director General Moose International Community Service Dept.
Mooseheart Illinois 60539-1126 Mr. Ross 70
Mr. Ronald Conley National Commander American Legion 700 North Pennsylvania Street P.O. Box 1055 Indianapolis Indiana 46206 Commander Conley 71

Youth Programs Department International Association of Lions Clubs 300 22nd Street
Oak Brook Illinois 60521-8842 Sirs 72
Mr. Robert E Grim Commander Sons of the Union Veterans of The Civil War PO Box1865
Harrisburg PA 17105 Commander Grim 73

CB/Astronaut Office
Attn: Eagle Scout Court of Honor NASA Johnson Space Center

Houston Texas 77058 Sir 74
Dr. Buzz Aldrin

Dr. Aldrin 75
Mr. Neil A. Armstrong

P.O. Box 436
Lebanon Ohio 45036 Mr. Armstrong 76
Dr. Mae Jennison

P.O. Box 591455
Houston Texas 77259-1455 Dr. Jennison 77
Mr. James A. Lovell, Jr. President Lovell Communications P.O. Box 49
Lake Forest Illinois 60045 Mr. Lovell 78
Mr. James A. Lovell, Jr. National Eagle Scout Association Boys Scouts of America 1325 West Walnut Hill Lane P.O. Box 152079 Irving Texas 75015-2079 Mr. Lovell 79
Dr. Sally K. Ride Director California Space Institute University of California at San Diego
La Jolla California 92093 Dr. Ride 80
Honorable Mitt Romney Office of the Governor Commonwealth of Massachusetts State House, Room 360
Boston Massachusetts 02133 Governor Romney 81
Honorable Don Carcieri Office of the Governor o State of Rhode Island State House, Room 143
Providence Rhode Island 02903-1196 Governor Carcieni 82
Honorable Craig Benson Office of the Governor State of New Hampshire State House, Room 208
Concord New Hampshire 03301 Governor Benson 83
Honorable John Baldacci Office of the Governor State of Maine State House, Station 1
Augusta Maine 04333 Governor Baldacci 84
Honorable James Douglas Office of the Governor State of Vermont Pavilion Office Bldg. 109 State Street Montpelier Vermont 05609

Governor Douglas

Honorable John G Rowland Office of the Governor State of Connecticut 201 Capitol Ave.
Hartford Connecticut 06106 Governor Rowland 86
Honorable James E McGreevey Office of the Governor State of New Jersey 125 West State Street P.O. Box 001 Trenton New Jersey 08625 Governor McGreevey 87
Honorable George Pataki Office of the Governor State of New York Executive Chamber
Albany New York 12224 Governor Pataki 88
Honorable Ed Rendall Office of the Governor Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 225 Main Capitol Bldg.
Harrisburg Pennsylvania 17120 Governor Rendall 89
Honorable Ruth Ann Minner Office of the Governor State of Delaware Talnall Bldg. William Penn Street Dover Delaware 19901 Governor Minner 90
Honorable Robert Ehlrich Office of the Governor State of Maryland State House 100 State Circle Annapolis Maryland 21401 Governor Ehlrich 91
Honorable Jim Gilmore Office of the Governor Commonwealth of Virginia Office of the Governor State Capitol Richmond Virginia 23219 Governor Gilmore 92
Honorable Bob Wise Office of the Governor State of West Virginia Office of the Governor State Capitol Complex Charleston West Virginia 25305-0370 Governor Wise 93
Honorable Mike Easley Office of the Governor State of North Carolina State Capitol 116 West Jones Street Raleigh North Carolina 27603-8001 Governor Easley 94
Honorable Mark Sanford Office of the Governor State of South Carolina Office of the Governor P.O. Box 11369 Columbia South Carolina 29211 Governor Hodges 95
Honorable Sonny Purdue Office of the Governor State of Georgia 203 State Capitol
Atlanta Georgia 30334-0900 Governor Purdue 96
Honorable Jeb Bush Office of the Governor State of Florida The Capitol
Tallahassee Florida 32399-0001 Governor Bush 97
Honorable Bob Riley

Office of the Governor

State of Alabama State Capitol 600 Dexter Ave. Montgomery Alabama 36130-2751 Governor Riley 98
Honorable Phil Bredeson

Office off the Governor

State of Tennessee State Capitol
Nashville Tennessee 37243-0001 Governor Bredeson 99
Honorable Ronnie Musgrove

Office of the Governor

State of Mississippi Office of the Governor P.O. Box 139 Jackson Mississippi 39205 Governor Musgrove 100
Honorable Paul E. Patton

Office of the Governor

State of Kentucky State Capitol 700 Capitol Ave. Frankford Kentucky 40601 Governor Patton 101
Honorable Bob Taft

Office of the Governor

State of Ohio Office of the Governor 77 South High Street, 30th Floor Columbus Ohio 43266-0601 Governor Taft 102
Honorable Frank O'Bannon

Office of the Governor

State of Indiana Office of the Governor 206 State Capitol Indianapolis Indiana 46204-2797 Governor O'Bannon 103
Honorable John Engler

Office of the Governor

State of Michigan Office of the Governor P.O. Box 30013 Lansing Michigan 48909 Governor Engler 104
Honorable Tom Vilsack

Office of the Governor

State of Iowa State Capitol
Des Moines Iowa 50319-0001 Governor Vilsack 105
Honorable Jim Doyle

Office of the Governor

State of Wisconsin State Capitol P.O. Box 7863 Madison Wisconsin 53707 Governor Doyle 106
Honorable Tim Pawlenty

Office of the Governor

State of Minnesota 130 State Capitol 75 Constitution Ave. St. Paul Minnesota 55155 Governor Pawlenty 107
Honorable William Janklow

Office of the Governor

State of South Dakota State Capitol 500 East Capitol Pierre South Dakota 57501 Governor Janklow 108
Honorable John Hoeven

Office of the Governor

State of North Dakota 600 E. Boulevard Ave. Dept. 101 Bismarck North Dakota 58505-0001 Governor Hoeven 109
Honorable Judy Martz

Office of the Governor

State of Montana Office of the Governor P.O. Box 200801 Helena Montana 59620-0801 Governor Martz 110
Honorable Rod Blagoievich

Office of the Governor

State of Illinois State Capitol
Springfield Illinois 62706 Governor Blagoievich 111
Honorable Bob Holden

Office of the Governor

State of Missouri State Capitol, Room 216 P.O. Box 720 Jefferson City Missouri 65102-0720 Governor Holden 112
Honorable Kathleen Sebelius

Office of the Governor

State of Kansas Capitol Bldg. Second Floor Topeka Kansas 66612-1590 Governor Sebelius 113
Honorable Mike Johanns

Office of the Governor

State of Nebraska Office of the Governor P.O. Box 94848 Lincoln Nebraska 68509-4848 Governor Johanns 114
Honorable Mike Foster

Office of the Governor

State of Louisiana Office of the Governor P.O. Box 94004 Baton Rouge Louisiana 70804-9004 Governor Foster 115
Honorable Mike Huckabee

Office of the Governor

State of Arkansas 250 State Capitol
Little Rock Arkansas 72201 Governor Huckabee 116
Honorable Brad Henry

Office of the Governor

State of Oklahoma State Capitol Building Suite 212 Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73105 Governor Henry 117
Honorable Rick Perry

Office of the Governor

State of Texas Correspondence Division P.O. Box 12428 Austin Texas 78711 Governor Perry 118
Honorable Bill Owens

Office of the Governor

State of Colorado 136 State Capitol
Denver Colorado 80203-1792 Governor Owens 119
Honorable Dave Freudenthal

Office of the Governor

State of Wyoming State Capitol Bldg. Room 124 Cheyenne Wyoming 82002 Governor Freudenthal 120
Honorable Dirk Kempthorne

Office of the Governor

State of Idaho State Capitol P.O. Box 83720 Boise Idaho 83720-0034 Governor Kempthorne 121
Honorable Mike Leavitt

Office of the Governor

State of Utah Office of the Governor 210 State Capitol Salt Lake City Utah 84114-0601 Governor Leavitt 122
Honorable Janet Napolitano

Office of the Governor

State of Arizona 1700 West Washington
Phoenix Arizona 85007 Governor Napolitano 123
Honorable Bill Johnson

Office of the Governor

State of New Mexico State Capitol Fourth Floor
Santa Fe New Mexico 87503 Governor Johnson 124
Honorable Kenny C. Guinn

Office of the Governor

State of Nevada State Capitol
Carson City Nevada 89710 Governor Guinn 125
Honorable Ted Kulongoski

Office of the Governor

State of Oregon 254 State Capitol
Salem Oregon 93710-0370 Governor Kulongoski 126
Honorable Gary Davis

Office of the Governor

State of California State Capitol
Sacramento California 95814 Governor Davis 127
Honorable Linda Lingle

Office of the Governor

State of Hawaii Executive Chambers State Capitol Honolulu Hawaii 96813 Governor Lingle 128
Honorable Gary Locke

Office of the Governor

State of Washington P.O. Box 40002 Legislative Bldg. Olympia Washington 98504-0002 Governor Locke 129
Honorable Frank Murkowski

Office of the Governor

State of Alaska Governor's Office P.O. Box 110001 Juneau Alaska 99811-0001 Governor Murkowski 130
Honorable Bill Ratcliff Lt. Governor State of Texas The Capitol P.O. Box 12068 Austin Texas 78711-2068 Lt. Governor Ratcliff 131
Ms Carole Keeton Strayhorn Comptroller State of Texas P.O. Box 13528
Austin Texas 78711-3528 Comptroller Rylander 132
Ms Susan Combs Agriculture Commissioner

State of Texas

P.O. Box 12847
Austin Texas 78711 Ms Combs 133

Texas Water Commissioner

State of Texas

P.O. Box 13087 Capitol State Austin Texas 78711-3087 Sir 134
Honorable Greg Abbott Attorney General State of Texas P.O. Box 12548
Austin Texas 78711-2548 Mr. Abbott 135
Honorable Gwen Shea Secretary of State The State of Texas P.O. Box 12887 Capitol Station Austin Texas 78711-2887 Ms. Shea 136
Mr. David Dewhurst Land Commissioner State of Texas Stephen F. Austin Bldg. 1700 North Congress Ave. Austin Texas 78711-1495 Commissioner Dewhurst 137
Commissioner Charles Matthews Texas Railroad Commissioner State of Texas P.O. Drawer 12967
Austin Texas 78704 Commissioner Matthews 138
Commissioner Michael Williams Texas Railroad Commission State of Texas P.O. Drawer 12967
Austin Texas 78711--2967 Commissioner Williams 139
Chief Justice Thomas Phillips Texas Supreme Court State of Texas P.O. Box 12248 Capitol Station Austin Texas 78711 Chief Justice Phillips 140
Justice Deborah Hankinson Texas Supreme Court State of Texas Capitol Station P.O. Box 12248
Austin Texas 78711 Justice Hankinson 141
Justice Pricilla Owen Texas Supreme Court State of Texas P.O. Box 12248 Capitol Station Austin Texas 78711 Justice Owen 142
The Honorable Craig Enoch Texas Supreme Court The State of Texas Capitol Station P.O. Box 12248
Austin Texas 78711 Justice Enoch 143


Johnson Texas Supreme Court The State Of Texas Capitol Station P.O. Box 12248
Austin Texas 78711 Justice Johnson 144
Major General Wayne D Marty Adjutant General Texas National Guard W. 35th St
Austin Texas 78763 Mj Gen Marty 145
Honorable Pete Laney Speaker of the House State of Texas P.O. Box 2910
Austin Texas 78768-2910 Representative Laney 146
Mr. Felipe Alanis Commissioner of Education Teas Education Agency 1701 North Congress Ave.
Austin Texas 78701-1494 Mr. Nelson 147
Mr. Thomas N. Faust Executive Director National Sheriff's Association 1450 Duke Street
Alexandria Virginia 22314-3490 Mr Faust 148
Mr. Wayne Lapierre CEO National Rifle Association 11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax Virginia 22030 Mr. Land 149
Mr. Mike Allen Safety and Education Division National Rifle Association 11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax Virginia 22030 Mr. Allen 150
Mr. James S. Brady
C/O Handgun Control Inc. 1225 Eye Street NW, Suite 1100
Washington DC 20005 Mr. Brady 151
Mr. Pat Boone

9200 Sunset Blvd., #1007
Los Angeles California 90069 Mr. Boone 152
Mr. Pat Buchanan

Mr. Buchanan 153
Mr. William F. Buckley, Jr.
National Review 215 Lexington Ave.
New York NY 10016 Mr. Buckley 155
Mr. Michael Reagan
Michael Regan Show PO Box 6061-405
Sherman Oaks CA 91413 Mr. Reagan 156
Mr Sean Hannity The Sean Hannity Show Station WABC 2 Penn Plaza, 17th Foor
New York NY 10121 Mr. Hannity 157
Mr. Rush Limbaugh The Rush Limbaugh Show Station WABC 2 Penn Plaza, 17th Floor
New York NY 10121 Mr. Limbaugh 158
Dr. James C. Dobson, Ph.D. President Focus on the Family 8605 Explorer
Colorado Springs Colorado 80995 Dr. Dobson 159
Rev. Jerry Falwell Chancellor Liberty University

Lynchburg Virginia 24514 Rev. Falwell 160
Mr. Bill McCartney Founder & CEO Promise Keepers P.O. Box 103001
Denver Colorado 80250-3001 Mr. McCartney 161
Pope John Paul Apostolic Nunciature
3339 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington DC 20008-9687 Holiness 162
The Young Men General Presidency

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 47 East South Temple Street
Salt Lake City Utah 84150 Sir 163
Dr. Robert Schuller Paster The Crystal Cathedral 12141 Lewis Street
Garden Grove California 92840 Dr. Schuller 164
Executive Committee

Southern Baptist Convention 901 Commerce Street
Nashville Tennessee 37203 Sir 165
Mr. Edwin J. Feulner, Jr. President The Heritage Foundation 214 Massachusetts Ave. NE
Washington DC 20002-4999 Mr. Feulner 166
Mr. Edward H. Crane President and CEO The Cato Institute 1000 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington DC 20001-5403 Mr. Crane 167
Dr. Herbert I. London President The Hudson Institute Hernan Kahn Center 5395 Emerson Way Indianapolis Indiana 46226 Dr. London 168
Mr. Andrew Lack President/COO NBC News 30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York NY 10012 Mr. Lack 169
Mr. Andrew Heyward President CBS News 524 W. 57th Street
New York NY 10019 Mr. Heyward 170
Mr. David Westin President, ABC News Capitol Cities/ABC Inc. 47 W. 66th Street
New York NY 10023 Mr. Westin 171
MR. Thomas Curley President USA Today Gannett Company 1000 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington Virginia 22229 Mr. Curley 172
Mr. Roger A. Enrico Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Pepsico 700 Anderson Hill Rd.
Purchase New York 10577-1444 Mr. Enrico 173
Mr. Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Chairman & CEO IBM Corp. Old Orchard Road
Armonk New York 10504 Mr. Gerstner 174

Douglas N

Taft Chairman & Chief Executive Officer The Coca-Cola Company P.O. Drawer 1734
Atlanta Georgia 30301 Mr. Taft 175
Mr. Steven Spielberg
Dreamworks P.O. Box 8520
Universal City California 91608 Mr. Spielberg 176
Mr. Ted Turner

One CNN Center Box 105366 Atlanta Georgia 30348-5366 Mr. Turner 177
Mr. Dieter Zetsche CIMS 485-15-30 President /CEO, Daimler-Chrysler 1000 Chrysler Drive
Auburn Hills Michigan 48326-2766 Mr. Zetsche 178
Mr. James R. Moffett Chairman/CEO Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. P.O. Box 51777
New Orleans Louisiana 70151 Mr. Moffett 179
Mr. Herbert D. Kelleher President Southwest Airlines 2702 Love Field Drive
Dallas Texas 75235-1611 Mr. Kelleher 180
Mr. H. Ross Perot
The Perot Group 1700 Lakeside Square 12377 Merit Dr. Dallas Texas 75251 Mr. Perot 181
Dr. Hector De J. Ruiz Chairman and CEO Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. P.O. Box 3453
Sunnyvale California 94088 Mr. De J. Ruiz 182
Mr. J.W. Marriott Chairman of the Board Marriott Corporation 1 Marriott Drive
Washington DC 20058 Mr. Marriott 183
Mr. Sanford McDonnell Chairman Emeritus McDonnell-Douglas Corp. P.O. Box 516
St. Louis Missouri 63166-0516 Mr. McDonnell 184
Mr. T. Boone Pickens President Mesa Petroleum Co. 2600 Trammell Crow Center 2001 Ross Ave. Dallas Texas 75201 Mr. Pickens 185
Mr. Richard Lenny President/CEO Hershey Foods Corporation 100 Crystal A Dr.
Hershey Pennsylvania 17033-0815 Mr Lenny 186
Mr William Wrigley President/CEO Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company 401 N. Michigan Avenue
Chicago Illinois 60611-4287

Mr. Wrigley

Mr. Michael Eisner CEO Walt Disney Co. 500 S. Buena Vista Street
Burbank California 91521 Mr. Eisner 188
Mr. Judson Green Chairman Walt Disney Attractions Team Disney Building P.O. Box 10,000 Lake Buena Florida 32830 Mr. Green 189
Mr. Ralph Nader

Mr. Nader 190
Mr. Dan Quayle
C/o Hudson Institute Herman Kahn Center PO Box 26919 Indianapolis IN 46226 Mr. Quayle 191
General Charles E. Yeager

General Yeager 192
Ms. Cheryl Rogers-Barnett Director of Education Roy Rogers - Dale Evans Museum 15650 Seneca Road
Victorville California 92392 Ms. Rogers – Barnett 193
Mr. Gaddi Vasquez Director Peace Corps 1111 2nd Street, NW
Washington DC 20526 Mr. Vasquez 194
Mr. Robert C. McNair Chairman & Chief Executive Officer The Houston Texans 711 Louisiana, 33rd Floor
Houston Texas 77002-2716 Mr. McNair 195
Mr. Dom Capers Head Coach The Houston Texans 711 Louisiana, 33rd Floor
Houston Texas 77002-2716 Mr. Capers 196
Mr. Jerry Jones Owner Dallas Cowboys One Cowboy Parkway
Irving Texas 75063 Mr. Jones 197
Mr Bill Parsells Head Coach Dallas Cowboys One Cowboy Parkway
Irving TX 75063 Coach Parcells 198
Mr. Troy Aikman
Fox Sports 1211 Avenue of the Americas 2nd Floor New York NY 10036 Mr. Aikman 199
Mr Steve Ormeroid CEO National Speleological Society 629 W. 4th
Marysville OH 43043-8057 Mr Ormeroid 200
Mr. Mark Cuban Owner Dallas Mavericks 2909 Taylor St
Dallas TX 75226 Mr Cuban 201
Mr David Stern Commissioner National Basketball Assoc 645 5th Avenue, 10th Floor
New York NY 10022 Mr Stern 202
Mr. Gary Betteman Commissioner National Hockey League 1251 Avenue of the Americas 47th Floor New York NY 10020 Mr Betteman 203
Mr. Bud Selig Commissioner of Baseball Major League Baseball 245 Park Avenue 31st Floor New York NY 10167 Mr. Selig 204
Mr. Paul Tagliabue Commissioner National Football League 280 Park Avenue
New York NY 10017 Mr. Tagliabue 205
Mr. Roy T. Cassel II Assistant Ranger BSA Camp Wisdom 6400 West Red Bird Lane
Dallas Texas 75236 Mr. Cassel 206
Dr. Kenneth S.


President Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary P.O. Box 22000
Fort Worth Texas 76122-0040 Dr. Hemphill 207
Dr. James Hindman President Angelo State University P.O. Box 11007, ASU Station
San Angelo Texas 76909 Dr. Hindman 208
Dr. Edward D. Hodo President Houston Baptist University 7502 Fondren Road
Houston Texas 77074-3298 Dr. Hodo 209
Dr. Noval Pohl Chancellor University of North Texas

N T Station P.O. Box 13737

Denton Texas 76203-6737 Dr. Pohl 210
Dr. George Martin President St. Edwards University 3001 S. Congress
Austin Texas 78704 Dr. Martin 211
Dr. Dennis McCabe President Tarleton State University Box T-0001
Stephenville Texas 76402 Dr. McCabe 212
Dr. Malcolm Gillis President Rice University P.O. Box 1892
Houston Texas 77251 Dr. Gillis 213
Dr. Diana Natalicio President University of Texas of El Paso Administration Bldg. Suite 500 El Paso Texas 79968-0500 Dr. Natalicio 214
Dr. Thomas G. Burish President Washington and Lee University

Lexington Virginia 24450 Dr. Burish 215
Dr. Timothy Sullivan President College of William and Mary PO Box 8795
Williamsburg Virginia 23187-8795 Dr Sullivan 216
Dr. Jimmye Laycock Head Football Coach W & M Athletic Department PO Box 399
Williamsburg Virginia 23187

Coach Laycock

Dr. Tito Guerrero III President Stephen F. Austin State University P.O. Box 6078 SFA Station Nacogdoches Texas 75962-6078 Dr. Angel 218
Dr. Tim Summerlin President Schreiner College 2100 Memorial Blvd
Kerrville Texas 78028 Dr Summerlin 219
Dr. Jake B. Schrum President Southwestern University P.O. Box 770
Georgetown Texas 78627-0770 Dr. Schrum 220
Dr. Jimmy Simmons President Lamar University PO Box 10009
Beaumont Texas 77710 Dr. Simmons 221
Dr. Robert B. Sloan President Baylor University

Waco Texas 76798 Dr. Sloan 222
Dr. Arthur K. Smith President University of Houston

Houston Texas 77204-2462 Dr. Smith 223
Dr.. Denise Trauth President Southwest Texas State University 601 University Drive
San Marcos Texas 78666-4615 Dr. Trauth 224
Dr. R. Gerald Turner President Southern Methodist University P.O. Box 750100
Dallas Texas 75275-0100 Dr. Turner 225
Dr. Thomas Cedal President Concordia University 3400 IH35 North
Austin Texas 78705-2799 Dr. Cedel 226
Dr. Jerry Bawcom President University of Mary Hardin-Baylor UMHB Box 431
Belton Texas 76513-2599 Dr. Bawcom 227
Dr. Robert M


President Texas A & M University

College Station Texas 77840-1246 Dr. Gates 228
Coach Mack Brown Head Football Coach The University of Texas P.O. Box 7399
Austin Texas 78713 Coach Brown 229
Dr. Larry Faulkner President The University of Texas P.O. Box T
Austin Texas 78713-8920 Dr. Faulkner 230
Dr. Russell Dilday President Howard-Payne University 1000 Fisk University
Brownwood Texas 76801-2794 Dr. Dilday 231
Dr. . W. Craig Turner President Hardin-Simmons University Box 16000
Abilene Texas 79698-6000 Dr. Turner 232
Dr. David Schmidly President Texas Tech University P.O. Box 42005
Lubbock Texas 79409-2005 Dr. Schmidly 234
Rev. Edward A. Malloy President University of Notre Dame P.O. Box 518
Notre Dame Indiana 40556 Rev. Malloy 235
Dr Lawrence H Summers President Harvard University Massachusetts Hall
Cambridge MA 02138 Dr Summers 236
Dr. Richard C. Levin President Yale University

New Haven CT 06520 Dr. Levin 237
Dr. James E. Wright President Dartmouth College 207 Parkhurst
Hanover NH 03755 Dr. Wright 238
Dr. Shirley M. Tilghman President Princeton University

Princeton NJ 08544

Dr. Shirley

Dr. John J. De Gioia President Georgetown 204 Healy Hall Box 571789 Washington DC 20057 Dr De Gioia 240
Dr. Steven B. Sample President USC Office of the President
Los Angeles CA 90089 Dr. Sample 241
Dr. Richard C. Atkinson President UCLA 2147 Murphy Hall Box 951405 Los Angeles CA 90095-1405 Dr. Atkinson 242
Dr. John Hennessy President Stanford University

Stanford CA 94305 Dr. Hennessy 243
Dr.. Mary Sue Coleman President

University of Michigan

403 Thompson St. 2074 Fleming Admin Bldg Ann Arbor MI 48109-1340 Dr. Coleman 244
Dr. T.K. Wethrell President Florida State Univ Box 1470
Tallahassee FL 32306-1470 Dr. Wethrell 245


Miller Mayor City of Dallas 1500 Marilla Street #5EN Dallas Texas 75201 Mayor Miller 246
Honorable Kenneth Barr Mayor City of Fort Worth 1000 Throckmorton
Ft. Worth Texas 76102 Mayor Barr 247
Mayor Candy Sheehan Mayor City of Coppell 255 Parkway P.O. Box 478 Coppell Texas 75019 Mayor Sheehan 248
Mr. W.O. Echols Superintendent Coppell Independent School District 200 S. Denton Tap Road
Coppell Texas 75019 Mr. Echols 249
Mr. Jimmy Spann Principal Coppell High School 185 W. Parkway Blvd.
Coppell Texas 75019 Mr. Spann 250

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