What Is the Lone Scout Plan?
The Plan
Since its beginning days in 1910, the Boy Scouts of America has been
concerned with extending the Scouting program to boys in isolated areas
or those who find it impossible to join a nearby Scouting unit. The Lone
Scout plan serves such boys who cannot take part in a nearby Cub Scout
pack or Boy Scout troop on a regular basis because of such factors as
distance, weather, time, or disability. These boys apply for membership
as individual Lone Cub Scouts or Lone Boy Scouts.
Although the Lone Scout member might miss the opportunity to participate
in activities in the pack or troop, the program makes it possible for such
boys to become members of the Boy Scouts of America and to know the fun,
values, and achievement of Scouting.
The Boy Scouts Association of Great Britain authorized this program in 1913.
By then, Lone Scouts were found in Canada, New Zealand, Malta, Gibraltar, South
Africa, and Burma.
William D. Boyce, a Chicago publisher who helped organize the Boy Scouts of
America in 1910, was responsible for organizing the Lone Scouts of America in
1915. The Lone Scouts of America and the Boy Scouts of America merged in 1924.
Since then the Boy Scouts of America has administered a Lone Scout plan as
part of its mission of bringing Scouting to all American youth who wish to
take part, regardless of circumstances.
Who May Register as a Lone Scout
Provided the membership requirements are met, there are certain situations
in which a boy's needs and interests might best be served by the Lone Scout
plan because he cannot readily join a unit or attend meetings of packs and
Boys who are eligible to become Lone Scouts include
- Children of American citizens who live abroad
- Exchange students away from the United States for a year or more
- Boys with disabilities that might prevent them from attending regular
meetings of packs or troops
- Boys in rural communities who live far from a Scouting unit
- Sons of migrant farmworkers
- Boys who attend special schools, night schools, or boarding schools
- Boys who have jobs that conflict with troop meetings
- Boys whose families travel frequently, such as circus families,
families who live on boats, and so on
- Boys who alternate living arrangements with parents who live in
different communities
- Boys who are unable to attend unit meetings because of
life-threatening communicable diseases
- Boys whose parents believe their child might be endangered by
getting to Scout unit meetings
- Boys being home schooled
All boys registering as Lone Cub Scouts and Lone Boy Scouts must do so through
a BSA local council, with one exception: Sons of American citizens who live outside
the United States should contact the International Division of the Boy Scouts of
Boys who have completed the first grade or who are 8, 9, or 10 years old may
join as Lone Cub Scouts. Boys who have earned the Arrow of Light Award or have
completed the fifth grade or who are 11 years old may join as Lone Boy Scouts
and remain active until age 18.
Every boy registering as a Lone Scout must have an adult, 21 years or older
who meets adult membership requirements and agrees to serve as the boy's Lone
Scout friend and counselor. This counselor is usually the boy's own parent but
might also be his guardian, minister, teacher, 4-H Club leader, or an experienced
Scouter who lives nearby.
The counselor encourages, instructs, examines, and reviews the boy on all
steps toward Scouting advancement. This person also helps the Lone Scout take
part in local council activities. For more information on the role of the Lone
Scout friend and counselor, consult the Lone Scout Friend and Counselor
Guidebook, No. 07-420B.
Lone Scout Activities
Although a Lone Scout carries on many activities at home and in his community,
he also may participate in local district and council activities along with boys
from local Scouting units. The activities may be camporees, Scouting shows, and
service projects as well as Cub Scout day camp and Cub Scout or Boy Scout resident
camp. A Lone Scout may be invited to special meetings of a pack or troop.
The Lone Scout follows the same basic program as other Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts,
but he carries out the program through independent action and self-reliance, special
skills suitable to his situation, and communication (by letter, radio, computer,
fax, etc.) with other Scouts.
Lone Cub Scouts and Lone Boy Scouts may advance in rank in the same manner as
do Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts in packs and troops. The only difference is that
reference to packs, dens, troops, and patrols do not apply.
 Lone Scout Medallion, No. 00352
 Lone Scout Neckerchief, No. 00703
Insignia and Uniforms
Lone Cub Scouts and Lone Boy Scouts are encouraged to purchase and wear a
uniform as do other Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. The wearing of the uniform at
appropriate times may have more significance for a Lone Scout than for boys
belonging to packs and troops. It can help to give the boy a feeling of
belonging and support.
Lone Scouts are entitled to wear the Lone Scout Emblem, No. 00352A, in the
second emblem position on the left sleeve. They can also wear any other badge
and insignia appropriate to Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. Lone Scouts also have
their own neckerchief, No. 00703A.
Former Lone Scouts
Hundreds of thousands of boys have belonged to the Boy Scouts of America
as Lone Scouts. A significant number of people have experienced the fun, the
satisfaction, and the values of the Scouting program through the Lone Scout
Many of the Lone Scout alumni are currently registered with local councils
and give unselfishly of their time and efforts. Many are Friends of Scouting,
contributing funds toward the well-being of the local council. Others have
joined the Lone Scout Foundation to maintain the fellowship of Lone Scouting.
The Lone Scout Foundation is publisher of Memory Lodge Journal, 57 Confederate
Way, Stafford, VA 22554-5175.