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    Bill Nelson

    The Eight Methods of Scouting

    1. Ideals
      Each Scout commits himself to the personal behavior guides and standards in the Scout motto, the slogan, the Oath and the Law
    2. Patrols
      Patrols give Scouts experience in teamwork, democracy and leadership.
    3. Outdoors
      Scouting emphasizes outdoors activities which foster an appreciation of nature and our ecology. Along the way, Scouts practice and learn new skills and develop confidence in their own abilities to cope with obstacles. Scouting is outing!
    4. Advancement
      The advancement program provides Scouts with a ladder of skills to climb at his own pace. On the way up, he has many opportunities to learn and to be recognized for his achievements.
    5. Personal growth
      All of the other methods contribute to the personal growth of a Scout through experience. The quest for growth is a method, too.
    6. Adult association
      Adult leaders, male and female, provide an example to Scouts of the high character they should strive for in their personal growth.
    7. Leadership development
      Making boys get leadership experiences is one of the most valuable things Scouting does.
    8. Uniform
      The uniform reminds a Scout of who he is and what is expected of him. It identifies him as part of a patrol, troop, council and worldwide youth movement. He can take pride in being a Scout, and in the achievements shown on his uniform and sash. Even neighborhood gangs recognize the importance of wearing a uniform, their colors.

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