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    Bill Nelson

    District and Council Volunteer Scouters

    Steve Henning posted the following good summary:

    There are many District positions that the rest of us can serve in to help these people Deliver The Promise. These positions include:

    Commissioners (Unit Commissioners, Assistant District Commissioners, District Commissioners) are responsible to provide service to units. This service includes rechartering, charter partner relations, problem solving for units, insuring that Units meet national standards, and providing information about training, camping and activities. All Commissioners are selected by the District Commissioner, recommended by the Scout Executive, and approved by the Council Executive Board.

    Members of District Committees are responsible to start new units; to assist with recruiting youth and adult members; raising funds for recruiting, training and camping facilities; providing recruiting, training and camping opportunities; providing opportunities for unit fund raising; and arranging activities. All members of the District Committees are elected by the Charter Representatives and Members At Large, and serve at the pleasure of the District Chairman who is also elected by the Charter Representatives and Members At Large, and approved by the Council Executive Board.

    The council executive board which is responsible for controlling the expenditure of council funds and making all policies in the council. The executive board is elected by the Charter Representatives and Members At Large.

    The professional Scouters are in place to assist in recruiting, training and motivating Scouters for all of the other positions. A professional Scouter who has done his job properly has nothing to do, since the volunteer Scouters he recruited, trained and motivated are responsible to do everything else. Realistically the professional Scouter spends much time making sure that all of the various jobs the volunteers are doing are completed successfully.

    Cheers, Steve Henning in Reading, PA USA

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