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    Bill Nelson

    More Games You May Wish to Consider


      Two boys straddle a broomstick, back to back. On signal, one runs forward and the other runs backwards about 50 ft. They then run back to the starting line, but this time they change positions (forward becomes backward runner) then the next two team members go.


      One team gets on each side of a table. Each side tries to blow a ping- pong ball off the opponents' side of the table.


      Give each boy two double crackers. The boy who can eat them all and whistle, or blow up a balloon wins.


      Each boy hops on one foot carrying a paper cup of water. First one over the finish line wins. (Could also be done as a relay.)


      Divide boys into two teams. One team makes a circle and the other team stands inside it. The boys forming the circle throw a large ball at the boys inside the circle, who are running around trying not to be hit. The inside boys may not catch the ball. A ball hitting a boy on the head does not count. Only boys in the outside circle may catch and throw the ball. Boys who are hit join the outside circle and try to hit the inside boys.


      Divide the boys into two teams. Establish two lines about fifty to one hundred feet apart. Line the two teams up on the starting line. Have the first four (three or five if needed) boys in each line straddle a broomstick and with their left hand grasp the stick. On signal the centipedes race to the far line, turn around and race back to the finish line. The centipede may only advance when all four boys are holding the broomstick. Then the next four boys form a centipede and continue the relay.


      Establish a start and a finish line. Line the boys up on the starting line. Give each boy a potato (ping-pong ball, balloon, etc.) to put between his knees. On "Go" see who can jump to the finish line first without dropping the potato. (May also be done as a relay.)


      Divide into teams. Each team member must run from the starting line to a team bottle placed a distance away, attempt to drop a wooden clothes pin into the bottle (Each boy has only one attempt to get the clothes pin in the bottle) and run back to tag the next team member, who then repeats the action.

      The rules are to hold the clothespin with a straight arm at shoulder height or with a bent arm at waist height (as long as all do it the same way. When all the teams are done the team with the most clothespins in their bottle wins the game.


      Stand one 2x4 block for each team on edge and start two or three 16 penny nails to the same height in the edge. Place the blocks about fifteen feet from the starting line and put a hammer next to each of the blocks. On "GO!" one boy from each team races to the block, picks up the hammer, and swings ONE blow to drive the nail into the block. He then lays the hammer down and returns to his team, tagging the next boy in the relay. The race continues, with each boy in turn going as many times as it takes for one team to drive all of its nails flush into the block. Be ready to straighten bent nails.


      Using a very long rope and either a tree or a pole, the object of this game is to tie a clove hitch around the tree (pole) without getting near the tree. Draw a circle around the object that the knot is to be tied to and tell the boys that they must not go inside that circle. The knot can be tied, but only through the co-operation and teamwork of the two boys. (Hint: One boy is a runner and the other stands in one spot.) We did this at a Loggers Day for the Boy Scouts and it was as much, if not more fun for the adults to try it as it was for the boys. It's not anywhere as easy as it sounds ---- TRY IT, YOU'LL SEE FOR YOURSELF ... 8-)

      I must also thank Indian Nations Council for most of the above games, as well as those of my previous post to the list.

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