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What is the purpose of GSUSA Girl Scouting?

The purpose of girl Scouting is to inspire girls with the highest ideals of character, conduct, patriotism, and service that they may become happy and resourceful citizens. From: the GSUSA book "What We Stand For".

What are the requirements for membership in GSUSA Girl Scouting?

Girl Scouting is open to girls between the ages of 5 and 17, and to men and women over the ae of 18, who make the Girl Scout Promise, accept the Girl Scout Law, and pay annual membership dues. These are the only requirements for membership.

From: the GSUSA book "What We Stand For".

What is GSUSA's position on men in Girl Scouting?

The Girl Scout organization does not discriminate. Every volunteer and staff position in Girl Scouting is open to men as well as women. Because we believe that female role models are especially important to young girls during their developing years, men working directly with girls are asked to serve as part of a leadership team that includes women.

From: the GSUSA book "What We Stand For".

What is GSUSA's position on Boys in GSUSA Girl Scouting?

Girl Scouting exists only to serve girls. Our eighty years of experience show that girls have unique needs and interests that are best met in a program designed especially for them, delivered in an all-girl setting. A great deal of research supports this conviction.

We recognize that boys have unique needs and interests a well, which are addressed by organizations designed to meet their specific needs. It should be noted that Boy Scouts of America is a totally separate organization from Girl Scoiuts of the U.S.A.

From: the GSUSA book "What We Stand For".

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