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I understand the BSA does not have liability insurance, is this true?

The Boy Scouts of America has liability insurance that covers leaders and organizations to which units are chartered. Accident and medical coverage are not included but are available through BSA local councils at a modest cost. This coverage provides protection for the council, all Scouting professionals and employees, Scouting units, chartered organizations, and volunteer Scouters (whether or not registered) with respect to claims arising in the performance of their duties in Scouting. Coverage is more than $15,000,000 for bodily injury and property damage. The insurance provided Scouting volunteers through the BSA General Liability Insurance program is excess over any other insurance the volunteer might have to his or her benefit, usually a homeowners, personal liability, or auto liability policy. There is no coverage for those who commit intentional or criminal acts. By providing insurance coverage to volunteers on an excess basis, BSA is able to purchase higher limits. Because of the high limits, volunteers should NOT be placed in a position where their assets are jeopardized because of a negligence liability claim or lawsuit. Chartered Organizations are covered by a primary umbrella policy.

Contact your local Council for more information.

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