Venturing Crew 369's Logo
Similarities between Exploring and Venturing. Weekend Camping Check List
A line gif!

To earn the Bronze Award for SEA SCOUT activities, complete the following requirements:

  • Ideals
    1. Give explanation
    2. History of flag
  • Active Membership
    1. Seventy-five percent attendance
    2. Complete quarterdeck training
    3. Recruit new member
  • Special Skills
    1. Boats
    2. Marlinspike seamanship
    3. Ground tackle
    4. Piloting
    5. Communications
    6. Time
    7. Swimming
    8. Cruising
    9. Safety
    10. Galley
    11. Sailing
    12. Work
    13. Electives. Do any three:
      1. Drill
      2. Signaling
      3. Compass
      4. Yacht racing
      5. Sailing
      6. Ornamental ropework
      7. Engines

Above information from Silver Award Guidebook (25-015), 1998 printing.

Contributed by:  Craig Bond

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Animated Scout Flag