National Publications & Resources |
No. 25-020
This is a full page of black-and-white, camera ready
Venturing logos. The logos appear in eight different
sizes and include color specifications for printing
in yellow and green and in yellow and maroon.
No. 25-019
Tired of Just Hanging Around? Brochure
This three-panel, full-color brochure is designed to
help promote Venturing to individuals. Space is provided
on the back of the brochure for specific council information.
No. 25-561
Tired of Just Hanging Around? Poster
This 18-x-22-inch full-color poster is designed to
promote Venturing. Space is provided at the bottom
of the poster to customize with open-house other
specific council information.
No. 25-884
National Venturing Awards and Recognition Program
This full-color brochure illustrates and describes
Venturing youth awards and scholarships and adult
recognition items.
 No. 5-938
Venturing Resources for Religious Organizations
This colorful folder contains specific information designed to help a unit-serving executive or volunteer new-unit organizer sell Venturing to a religious organization. It is designed specifically to help a religious organization adopt Venturing into its high school-age youth group. The folder provides space to customize with local information.
 No. 25-871
Venturing Sales Kit
This folder contains general information designed to help a unit-serving executive or volunteer new-crew organizer sell Venturing to a potential chartered organization. The kit is designed to be customized with local information.
 No. 25-202
Venturing Reference Guide
This pamphlet gives a dictionary-type definition of Venturing terms in an alphabetical format. It includes descriptions of policies, unauthorized activities, and awards related to Venturing. This guide is also found in the appendix of the Venturing Leader Manual
 No. 25-878
New Crew Start-Up Orientation
This booklet illustrates how using the Venturing program planning process can get a Venturing crew up and running and off to a successful staff. It also provides information about training youth officers. This 23-page booklet is designed to be reproduced locally to help orient new crew Advisors.
 No. 25-352
How to Organize a Sea Scout Ship
This 12-page guidebook gives specific steps on how to organize a Sea Scout ship, including a sample annual program and first three meeting outlines.
 No. 33239A
Sea Scout Manual
This manual contains complete information for the successful operation of a Sea Scout ship. It provides specific information on ship organization and leadership, advancement and other recognitions, ship meetings and activities, seamanship and boating safety, and a glossary of sea terms. This manual can be used by adult and youth members.
Sea Scout Manual. Official guide for Sea Scouts.
 No. 33491A
Adult Venturing Leader Basic Training
This training syllabus is designed to be used by council and district Venturing training committees to introduce adult Venturing crew leaders to the basic information needed to operate a crew. Included in this training: New Crew Fast Start video, Youth Protection videos, program planning, Venturing advancement, and leadership.
 No. 34340
Venturing Leadership Skills Course
This syllabus is designed to be used by crew Advisors to teach leadership skills to all Venturers in the crew. It is a series of leadership modules divided into four categories: vision, communication, organization, and synergism. Each module is introduced by an activity and followed by reflection. Completion of this course is a requirement for the Venturing Silver Award, and conducting the course is a requirement for the Venturing Advisor Award of Merit.
Revised! A guide to learning Basic Leadership Skills.
Y34340A $5.00
No. 33493
Venturer Handbook
This handbook is designed to be an individual Venturer’s handbook. It provides all the requirements for the Bronze, Gold, and Silver awards, including progress records and applications. It helps define Venturing to a youth member. It describes how a crew operates and the leadership to ensure success.
Venturer reference book includes advancement requiremnts
for Bronze, Gold, and Silver awards.
 No. 3128
Ranger Guidebook
This book contains complete information on the challenging new Ranger Award. It is the individual manual for outdoor Venturers pursuing the Outdoor Bronze Award and the Ranger Award. It describes the eight core requirements and 18 electives designed for outdoor Venturers and includes the score sheets to be signed by the Advisor or consultant. It provides an extensive list of resources, including Internet resources, to help crew Advisors administer the Ranger program in the crew.
Ranger Guidebook. Guide for the Venturing
outdoor program includes requipremnts
for advancement toward the Ranger Award.
 No. 34655A
Venturing Leader Manual
This manual explains what Venturing is and how it works to adult Advisors and crew officers. It provides crew leaders with all the necessary information on program planning, leadership resources, and policies. It includes a helpful "How-To" section, 130 pages of program ideas, the Venturing Reference Guide, Ethical Controversies, and the Silver Award Guidebook
Revised! Orientation, instruction, and
support for new Venturing Leaders.
Youth Protection: Personal Safety Awareness
This video is a presentation for any young person in the 14-20 age range. It is a series of three vignettes dealing with the issues of acquaintance rape, Internet safety and stalking, and peer sexual harassment. Each scenario is followed by instructions for local group discussions. This video is segmented for flexibility in a class or meeting venue.
Briefing the Organizing Committee
This video is for unit-serving executives and new-unit organizing volunteers to use with step two of the Venturing new crew organizational process and for briefing the organizing committee appointed by the head of the chartered organization.
Youth Protection Guidelines: Training for Adult Venturing Leaders
This is a half-hour training video for Venturing leaders that provides an overview of the developmental transitions experienced by young people of Venturing age and how those transitions relate to the personal safety concerns of the Venturing program. It will help ensure that Venturing crews conduct their programs with the personal safety of crew members in mind.
New Crew Fast Start
This video explains the Venturing program and details the leadership roles of crew Advisors and Venturing youth officers. This video can also be used in group recruiting programs. This video is included in the Adult Venturing Leader Basic Training.
Moments in Common
This video is a presentation on the developmental needs and differences of young people. It is a dramatization of those differences and demonstrates how young people can work once their needs and capabilities are understood by their adult teachers.
Selling Venturing to the Head of an Organization
This video is for unit-serving executives and district volunteers who will be selling Venturing. It gives tips and techniques on how to prepare for and effectively sell the program to the head of a potential chartered organization.
Venturing Roundtable Guide
A guide to planning a successful Venturing
roundtable. Includes "how tos," activities,
games, and program features.
Venturing Appreciation Certificate
8"x10" certificate has space at bottom
for the recipient's informaiton.
Venturing Stickers
Eight 1"x1" stickers per sheet.
Venturing Advancement Chart
The perfect way to keep up with Crew Members'
achieemnets toward advancement awards.
Measures 38"x24"
Venturing Waterproof Trail Journal
This conveniently sized notepad features
waterproof paper! Impervious to rain and humidity.
3"x4 5/8" slips easily into your pocket.
50 ruled sheets with vinyl cover and spiral binding.
Here's Venturing Pamphlet
A guide to implementing Venturing in a
district or council. Includes Ventuirng
training resoureces, job descriptions, and tips
such as the best sources of new Venturing Crews.
Last Updated 2001
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