Table of Contents

Our Mission
Our Principals:
Our Creed:
Venture Crew 369:
Calendar of Events:
Crew Finances
Hello World - Perl
Hello World - HTML
Thanks for a great site
The Makings of a SYN Flood
The American Flag
Flag question
Flag Page
God Bless America
Nice Site!
American Flag display
Thank you
Tri-Creek District Fall Camporee
ogg project
Venturing Awards Dinner
The Adventure Logo!
PDF Version

(C) Wed Sep 26 19:51:09 EDT 2001 Venturing Crew 369

Our Principals

    1) Honor before all else. 
    2) The difference between a winner and a loser is that the winner tried one more time. 
    3) K.I.S.M.I.F. 
    4) Y.C.D.B.S.O.Y.A. 

Our Web Page:

E-Mail Us!

Our Creed

Exploring: Enthusiasm, Energy, & Excellence 

Venturing Crew 369

Venturing Crew 369 was chartered on December 31, 1994 to the Reformation Luthern Church. 

Venturing Crew 369 specializes in UNIX for Programmers while emphasizing a deep theme of Engineering Computer Information & Science;

Membership in Venturing Crew 369 is open to young men and women between the ages of 14 [and in high school] and not yet 20.  Annual Membership fees are $25.00. 

Calendar of Events:

Fall Camporee, Camp Chief Logan 10/19-21/01
Campout 10/26-28/01
Adventure Articles are due. 10/28/01
VOA Elections and Banquet 11/02/01
Adventure Articles are due. 11/24/01
Christmas Party 12/18/01
Adventure Articles are due. 12/22/01
Scout Sunday Sleep Over 2/2-3/02
Klondike, Camp Falling Rocks 2/15-17/02
Tri-Creek Recognition Dinner 4/6/02
Spring Camporee, Camp Lazarus 4/26-28/02
Summer Camp 6/30-7/6/02
Fall Camporee, Camp Buckeye 10/18-20/02
Scout Sunday Sleep Over 2/1-2/03
Klondike, Camp Falling Rocks 2/14-16/03
Tri-Creek Recognition Dinner 4/5/03
Spring Camporee, Camp Chief Logan 4/25-27/03
Summer Camp 6/29-7/5/03
Fall Camporee, Camp Buckeye 10/17-19/03
Web Status, For September
Kilobytes  4,370,818  
Visits        30,452  
Pages        122,888  
Files        390,963  
Hits         446,312  
Web Status, For Past 12 Months
Kilobytes  51,068,061  
Visits        316,977  
Pages       1,700,019  
Files       4,146,622  
Hits        4,690,338   
Total Hits 7,635,861

Crew Finances

Our Money as of 05/26/2001
Fund Needed Debit/Credit Total
The Adventure $900.00 - $800.00
Membership $500.00 - $0.00
Trailer $3,800.00 - $0.00
Camping Equipment $5,500.00 - $0.00
General Fund $3,000.00 - $5,643.62
Total On-Hand $13,700.00 Petty Cash $543.62
Adventure $0.00
Bank $5,900.00


James D. Corder Adult

Is this the next to the last issue of The Adventure?

History of the Corder Crew:

After 22 years of continual services is this the end of the Corder Crew?

1995 to 1998 was the Corder Crew's hay day. Honors galore: State Fair Champions, Best Services Project, Quality Unit, Hall of Fame, Spurgeon, the list is far to long to name. However when Scouting decided to remove God and morals from the Exploring program in 1999, 369 decided to become a Venturing Crew. Unfortunately, many of the Adults, Parents, and Youth were not prepared for the battle to maintain God as part of our program. Many quit instead of standing tall:-( It became an uphill struggle to maintain the program.

In 2001, membership dropped to 5 active members, an all time low for the Crew. It was decided to have an open house and membership drive. We took adds in the local paper several times, (over 147,000 households). Unfortunately, not one response. We only had one guest at the open house.

On Tuesday September 18th I informed the remaining 5 active members that this was the last meeting of the Crew. The camping equipment and flags would be donated to the FCLA for the next Crew they begin. The computer equipment, (over $1,000,000.00 worth) would be donated to The Center of Science and Industry (COSI)

The balance of the money would be put into a High Adventure Scholarship Funds for Eagles, Quratermasters, and Rangers Scouts wanting to take the excursion of a lifetime. The money would be invested. 50% of the annual interest would be returned to the fund. While, 50% of the interest would be awarded to a qualifying "Youth".

The Youth members of 369 asked for one last change to save the Crew. I informed them that they had one and a half hours to come up with a plan to convince me to give them another month.

Lucy Beagle, Richie Collins, Aaron M. Croyle, William R. Talbert, and Heather Anne Ward all agreed that each would bring two new members between the ages of 16 and 19 who had a valid Ohio Drivers License and access to a car to the October 2nd meeting. This is no small task. Each Crew Member will have to talk to between 5 and 10 students a day for 14 days to keep their word and accomplish their task. I am so proud of these fine young men and women. They openly placed their honor and integrity on the line.

One of the interesting side effects of this undertaking is that each member will find many youth that would be interested in attending that don't drive. Therefore, they will fill the car of the ones that do. The future of Venturing Crew 369, nay even the Corder Crew, is in the hands of 5 young men and women who have given their word! Say a prayer for them, their efforts, and the continual success of the Crew. for it is truly in the hands of God!

Hello World - Perl

Jonathan Hogue Adult

So you want to program in perl, eh? The first step is to find your perl interpreter. In most Unix systems you can find at /usr/local/bin/perl or /usr/bin/perl. At a command prompt, type in /usr/local/bin/perl and press enter. If it's not there, it will complain that there is no such file or directory. Check /usr/bin/perl. If it is there, it will wait for you to start typing in perl commands. We're not ready for that yet, so press CONTROL-C to exit perl.

Now, open up a new file by typing

	$ vi

In the first line, type


or, depending on where you found perl.


Skip a couple of lines, and type the following:

	# no sloppy code
	use strict;
	print "Hello World!";

Exit the vi editor. We need to set the file to be executable. Type:

	$ chmod 755

And then type:


Your perl program will type out "Hello World!"

Hello World - HTML

Jonathan Hogue Adult

HTML is the language of the internet. It defines how a web browser (i.e. Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) presents a web page. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) only defines presentation and has no logic. If you want to build smart pages, you'll want to look at some client side languages (Java, Javascript) or some server side languages (CGI via Perl, or C++, SSI, PHP, ASP via visual basic script, JSP).

HTML is a plain text file formatted in a certain way. For example:

	  <H1>Hello World...</H1>

To view this web page, use the file open option on your browser. Browse to the location of the file, and click open.

Notice that each part has a word inside <>'s and </>'s. These are called tags, and they are the part of HTML that defines how to display the page. In every html page, you need a <HTML> tag at the beginning and a </HTML> tag at the end. You also need a <HEAD> and a <BODY>.

The <TITLE> tag defines the title of the page. Now remember, each browser has the freedom to display the information. IE (Internet Explorer) and Netscape both display this tag in the title bar at the top of the window. If you use the lynx browser, it displays the title indented from the right side of the window at the top.

The <H1> tag indicates a Header 1. IE and Netscape show this as a bigger font and bold. But its important to remember that this is different depending on the browser.

Thanks for a great site

Ross E. Statham

Council Vice-President

I ran across your site on a search for "Venturing" via Wanted to thank you guys for a great site you've obviously put a tremendous amount of work into it. You have some great resources here thanks for what you're doing.

The Makings of a SYN Flood

Aaron Croyle Youth, Age: 20

At some point in your life you may have heard about a host getting "SYN flooded". I know I have been hearing this for awhile, and wanted to know what it meant. So here is what I found out, including a description of how TCP connections are started.

When host A wants to establish a TCP connection to host B port 21 (for instance), it sends a packet that looks like this:

	IP header
	  src: host A
	  dst: host B
	TCP header
	  src port: 12345
	  dst port: 21
	  flags: SYN
	  sequence #: 123456

The SYN flag means that it is synchronizing the sequence numbers, which are used to put packets into the right order and determine what's missing. If you take the current sequence number and subtract the initial sequence number for this connection you get the byte offset for this chunk of data from the start of the data stream going in that direction.

The reply from host B would look like this:

	IP header
	  src: host B
	  dst: host A
	  src port 23
	  dst port 12345
	  flags: SYN ACK
	  seq #: 2
	  ack: 123456

Which means that it is acknowledging A's sequence number (ACK flag set) and setting its own (2).

The reply from A finishes the initial part of the connection and causes it to be established at both ends:

	  src: host A
	  dst: host B
	  src port: 12345
	  dst port: 21
	  flags: ACK

sequence: 123456 (assuming no data was sent in the first packet)

	  ack: 2

Packets with the SYN flag set that are sent from a spoofed address can lead to denial of service conditions. A machine that gets one of these packets will return the SYN ACK portion to a machine that is not expecting it. Since this host will drop the packet with no return, the first machine will have to wait for it's connection to time out, which depending on flavor can take some time, and there are a limited number of slots for opening connections. If these all get filled with bogus traffic, legitimate connections cannot be made.

The American Flag

The US Navy

We were going present this over 16 months. However, due to the increase show of patriotism in America we decided that we would present the Rules for displaying the American Flag now.

Flag question


Thank you for your rules regarding the flying of the American flag on your webpage. Thank you for your web page. It's very informational and I will pass the link to my friends.

Flag Page

Kimberly Whitney

Dear Scout Troop 369,

Thank You for your Excellent page on flag use! I wish ALL people or businesses would read this. I'm SO tired of seeing non-lit, torn or dirty flags flying. Keep up the good work Again, Thanks to you all for an excellent page!

God Bless America

Jo Pfeffer St. Louis, MO

Congratulations on a job well done! Your instructions on displaying the flag are Site of The Day today! In light of what happened two weeks ago, you have provided a valuable source on information to many people. I have seen more flags here in St. Louis, than I've ever seen before. I'm going to refer your site to all my family and friends. Thanks for doing this! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

Nice Site!

Russell Taylor

Congratulations on your nice web site... especially the page on how to display the American flag. VERY good work!!! Keep up the good work.

American Flag display

Vicki Bauer Georgia

Your website is a wonderful attempt at educating the public. Thank you for your assistance and keep waving the flag.

Thank you

Joe Kindred

Fellow scouters, I would like to thank you for your website. It was scouting that taught me how to display and care for the flag. Thank you again for your wonderful site.


James D. Corder Adult 5910

The page on how to fly the flag has 6538 hits, since June 25. We had 4 hits on 9/24/01 3,480 9/25/01, and 628 on 9/26/01. Monthly totals of E-Mail on flags was being sent hourly.

Can you believe that just one posting on Good HouseKeeping would have brought so many hits.

Tri-Creek District Fall Camporee

The Scouter

The Fall Camporee is being hosted by Troop 68, and will be held the weekend of October 19-21 at Chief Logan Scout Reservation. The Theme will be based around Paul Bunyan and woodsmen and Chief Logan is especially pretty this time of year when the hills are covered in fall colors. For more information contact Troop 68 Scoutmaster, Ken Bentley at (740) 927-7293. We look forward to seeing all Boy Scouts and Leaders at this great fall (Sc)outing!

Venturing Awards Dinner

The Scouter

The second annual Venturing Awards Dinner is scheduled for Saturday, November 3rd. Details about the time and location have already been mailed to all Crew Advisors, along with nomination forms for council-level Venturing Awards. Central Region Venturing President Robert Rescot will join us for an exciting evening of awards and installation of new Council VOA officers. It is hoped that ALL Venturing Crew sill be in attendance for this wonderful event. Last year's dinner drew more than 60 Venturers, and we hope to double that number this year. There will be a wonderful dinner cooked by Anna Haas, door prizes, and much more.

ogg project

Heather Ward Youth, age 20

It appears that even after the hype about napster, mp3s may be shortly forgotten. Enter the Ogg project. This group is putting together a new set of multimedia file types that might soon take over mp3s, mpgs, and other assorted formats. Moreover, their work is entirely open-source. The parent group, xiphophorus inc., has put out the mission statement of: "to protect essential tenets of Internet multimedia from corporate hostage-taking", take this as you will. Their most progressed project is called Ogg Vorbis, and is set to replace the mp3 format. The beta versions of encoders are already available, with a final v1.0 expected shortly. Another project in the works is Ogg Tarkin, the video equivalent. Developers are still being gathered for this project. Whether you are in favor of or against the open source movement, the results of this venture will be interesting to see. Sources:


Eddie Powell Troop 1147

Have you ever watched a baby bird being hatched? Wow, what a struggle! first a peck or two, soon a crack in the shell later a head pops out. Gee, what a way to be born! Such a fight, a struggle, just to be born.

You may see such an entrance into this world to be beyond what the bird should have to endure. Standing there watching this, you may even choose to assist the bird by removing the shell and thus, ending that grueling struggle. Do this and the bird will soon expire. Yes, because the struggle is removed, the bird will surely die! Such is the way God created the bird entrance into the world and the struggle encourages the strength, the will, the stamina to developed in the bird to survive.

In our quest to help, to relieve some of the struggle, to make it all easier for the bird, we end up killing the bird because we removed the integrity of the shell and thus, did not allow the process to strengthen and develop the bird. The same thing happens when we sign off on a young man's quest for rank to quickly without allowing them to struggle a little and really comprehend and understand the material thoroughly. We destroy the integrity, ruin the learning experience, and compromise the moment down the road when that information needs to be applied.

Compare, if you will, the Boy Scout program of Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class and note that cooking is a common theme, first aid is a common theme, and others. As the young man works further toward Eagle rank, these same themes will recur in the merit badges. Attend a Camporee, for instance, and these same themes will recur in different stations and challenge the young man's application of the previous information. Take away the struggle, the learning; the true understanding of the material and the young man will eventually fail when tested at that moment down the road. What if that moment was when you needed CPR? Are you certain that the young man in question really knows, understands, and can apply the information you sought to relay to him? For your sake, I hope so.

The point of my message is to encourage you and perhaps, challenge you, to allow the struggle, the learning, the true comprehension of the information for each and every young in your troop rather than signing off too soon, too easily, and thus compromising the integrity of the Boy Scout experience of the young men that we are all trying to encourage, lead, and develop into the leaders of tomorrow. Remember a compromise here, a compromise there, soon becomes a way of life. I believe it is much more important and certainly a better lesson to example integrity!

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