Table of Contents

The Adventure
What District is my crew in?
Venturing Officers' Association [VOA]
Friends of Scouting
Quote of the Month
VOA Positions
Venturing Program and Awards.
Please R.S.V.P.
The Adventure Logo!
1st Venturer
Offier's Association Meeting.

PostScript Version

(C) Wed Sep 9 16:49:20 EDT 1998 Venturing Crew 369

The Adventure

Explorer Post 369, now Venturing Crew 369 produces the International Newsletter the "ExpNews", now called "The Adventure."

This is a special issue going out to all the Explorer Post that have been moved Venturing in the Simon Kenton Council.

What District is my crew in?

At the end of your Crew Number on the envelope is two digits. This is the numerical representation of the District you belong to. See the chart to the right.

The VOA does not want the Crews in the Council to be moved into one district. Crews should stay in their current district, with the exception of the Exploring District. Since crews there will NOT be going to Learning For Life, it has not yet been decided if they will stay in the Exploring District or be moved to the Scouting District that they are geographically located in.

Council decided if you would become a Crew or go to Learning For Life by your program speciality. Career units where given to Learning For Life. While, High Adventure, Ministry, Hobby, and Special Interest Units where turned into Crews.

Since you have received this Mailing, Council has placed you as a Venturing Crew, and therefore, you are invited to the Tuesday August 18th 7:00pm Venturer Officer's Association Meeting. Cost, something for the munchie table to share. Please RSVP James D. Corder (866) 521-1776

Venturing Officers' Association [VOA]

James D. Corder

The VOA was created by volunteers, for volunteers.

Just as the Order of the Arrow [OA] is not a Troop nor part of any individual district, neither is the VOA. The VOA was created to be a service team to the Venturing Crews in the Simon Kenton Council.

Friends of Scouting

Since Crews are members of Scouting Districts, the VOA does not participate in Friends of Scouting so that the funds raised by Crews can be accredited to said districts. However, the VOA will help promote Friends of Scouting. The Same holds true for Pop Corn Sales!

Quote of the Month

Empower others to become the leader they where meant to be!

VOA Positions

T= (A)dult (Y)outh

Title          T   Scouter
Advisor        A         ?  
Program(a)     A         ?  
Membership     A         ?  
Training       A         ?  
Awards         A         ?  
Sec/Treasurer  A         ?  
President      Y         ?  
VP Program     Y         ?  
VP Membership  Y         ?  
VP Training    Y         ?  
Sec/Treasurer  Y         ?  
Historian      Y   ?        
Adult Positions are Associate Advisors of the VOA

Adult positions are appointed while youth positions are voted on by democratic elections. Only registered youth members of a Venture Crew may vote or hold offices. Adult positions will be filled at the August 18th meeting. It has not yet been decided if the first year's youth positions will be appointed or not. This will be determined by the number of youth in attendance at the first meeting.

Please bring your youth officers, or those that you would like to become your youth officers.

Information on the Venturing Program and Awards.

Venturer Crew 369 has graciously put up the current information for Venturing on their our Web Page :

click on the Venturing "V"!

Please R.S.V.P.

James D. Corder (866) 521-1776
(866) 521-1776

Please let us know how many from your unit will be attending. The cost to attend is something to share for the Munchie Table:-)

Venturer Officers' Association
Round Table Meeting
Tuesday August 18th 7:00pm
1355 S. Hamilton Road
Columbus, Ohio 43227

Both Adults and Youth are welcome!
This Letter went to 90 Units.

This page has been accessed  $pagecount"; ?> times. Since Wed Sep 9 16:50:09 EDT 1998