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Rappelling Trip April 12th. 1997

Join us in jumping off a cliff

Bored with life? Why not join the Explorers in a Rappelling outing on Saturday, April 12, 1997 (raindate on Sunday, April 13, 1997). Now you may ask what is rappelling? The high adventure of rappelling is the thrill of jumping off a cliff and sliding down a rope. For those of you who can't afford the time to travel to the Rockies, to perfect your skills at this sport, come join us. We will be traveling to Camp Falling Rock north of Newark, Ohio (not New Jersey), and start our venture at 9:00 am-3:00pm. So that you don't get stuck over the edge, please wear tight clothes and belts, and long hair must be up or tied back. Lunch, snacks and drinks will be provided. Matt McGinnis may even lead some adventurous souls on another mountain bike tour!!! (Don't want to miss that!) The adventure of rappelling will be one you will talk about the rest of your life. Sign up early and remember you can bring a friend.

Come join the Exploring Division on Saturday, April 12, 1997 (Raindate on Sunday, April 13, 1997) for our Rappelling Adventure at Camp Falling Rock, just north of Newark, Ohio. We will start the day at 9:00a.m. and continue until 3:00p.m. The cost will be $10.00 and will includ elunch, snacks, and drinks. Matt McGinnis will lead adventurous souls on another mountain bike tour!

So that you don't get stuck over the edge, please wear tight clothes and belts, and long hair must be up or tied back. For more details on this event, please contact Jenny Horn at 436-7200 or Bruce Smith at 486-2095.

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