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December 19th. That's a long way off. Why should I start now to get a Silver Beaver nomination started? Here's why:
It takes a long time to put together a successful nomination. Many facts have to be gathered; six letters of recommendation (no more than six) have to be written.
Former letters and old nominations forms will not do the job for your candidate. If he or she has been nominated before, it's not valid to simply photocopy the old nomination and submit it. All nominations should be current and dated during 1997.
If your candidate didn't make it before, nominate him or her again - and again, if necessary. Fe make it on the first try. As to letters, a detailed, fact-filled let ter of recommendation from a Scouter or lay person outside of Scouting is of much more interest and value to the selection committee than a three-line recommendation from Mr. or Ms. Big Person that is devoid of details. The selection committee wants to know about the candidate, not the credentials of the seconders. Of course, a detailed, fact-filled letter from a prominent person with the obvious means to know about the nominee is valuable.
Remember: these letters can be from anyone - in or out of Scouting - who has knowledge of the nominee's out standing service to youth. Remember: the criterion - and the only criterion, for award of the Silver Beaver is "noteworthy service of exceptional character to youth within the geographic area of the Simon Kenton Council." Service and attainments out side this requirement can be and should be mentioned in the nomination for information purposes, but they are not a basis for the award.
District Chairmen and Commissioners should determine who will represent the district or service area on the selection committee. The only require ments is that the representative be a previous recipient of the Silver Beaver. Encourage your recognition chair person to star the nomination process with out delay.
Don't let your deserving volunteers down! December 19th is the deadline for submission of nominations for the Silver Beaver. It will be here before we know it. Nominations must be submitted on the Council's prescribed form; these are available form the Service Center.
If you have any Questions, call Chuck Brant during normal daytime hours, Monday through Friday at (614) 222-2121 FAX (614) 365-9516.