Types of Judges
Junior Judge's vote counts 25%
- A Junior Judge is brought on for a
probationary term for a minimum of six months.
- A Junior Judge can be removed from
the STWA Pannel for any reason.
- The reason for Junior Judge is to
give the new Judge time to learn what
the STWA considers its minimum requirements
to earn the award. We have found that far
to many Judges give away the award
to sites that do not merit it. It is the
STWA's desire to keep its standards high
so that the award remains prestigous.
Judge's vote counts 100%
- A Judge must have been a Junior Judge for
at leats six months.
- A Judge can be removed from
the STWA Pannel for any reason, with the
consent of at least one Senior Judge.
Senior Judge's vote counts 200%
- A Senior Judge must has been a Judge for
at least 5 years.
- A Senior Judge can be removed from
the STWA Pannel for any reason, with a
simple majority of the other Senior Judge,
or by the STWA Committee.
- Senior Judges determin if a nominated
site shall be voted on.
- Senior Judges may view the comments
of all Judges.
Judges are required, monthly, to vote on all
nominated sites
by the weeked prior to the last Tuesday of the
Judges will mail their vote and comments to:
The STWA development staff is working on an automated
voting form that should be finnished in 2002.