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Calendar of Events:March 30 - April 2 Area Conference April 1st Council Recognition Dinner April 27 Exp. Recognition Dinner May 8th EOA Meeting 7:00 July Summer Camp August 1-11 World Jamboree Area Conference on ExploringBy A.C.E. $80.00 for youth quad occupancy.
Hands-on training and application with the NASA World Wide Web
Experience the marvel of science and be amazed by the everyday happenings of the world around you.
This is your opportunity to influence Exploring and make a difference. Officer Nomination forms will follow with your registration packet. Campaigning begins Friday Night!
Learn how you can make Exploring work better in your home Council and Post!
Bring your dancing shoes and get to ready to show off your best moves and steps. The dance will follow the awards and elections Saturday Night
Visit with Admissions and Financial Aid Representatives from area colleges.
Learn the best ways to make Financial Aid officers work for you! |
The 1995 Scout ShowThe Simon Kenton Council Saturday March 18, 1995 James D. Corder Once again I would like to state my extreme satisfaction on the performance of Explorer Post 369 at the Simon Kenton 1995 Scout Show!!! Our booth was well received. In my opinion you gave it your all and I am proud of your performance. We had constant work on all levels of Computer Activities. Hay, Roy got his program to work:-) I think what pleased me the most was the willingness of all the members of Post 369 to work together as a team. Everyone pulled their own weight and helped others when the time was needed:-) I have asked Shane to give us the results of our judging. I hope to have them within the next month. Would you have an interest in having a mini Explorer Show at a shopping center/mall? We could ask many of the other Explorer Posts to come and join in?... By: Steven Gladfelter To everyone involved in Post 369: I personally wasn't going to attend until I came to 369, and I am very glad I did. In addition, it probably wouldn't hurt to hope for some of the business contacts we met to come through with old equipment, especially the guy who's company is upgrading their Sun stations! |
The Explorer CodeAs an Explorer- I believe that American's Strength lies in her trust in God and in the courage and strength of her people I will, therefore, be faithful in my religious duties and will maintain a personal sense of honor in my own life. I will treasure my American heritage and will do all I can to preserve and enrich it. I will recognize the dignity and worth of my fellowmen and will use fair play and goodwill in dealing with them. I will acquire the exploring attitude that seeks the truth in all things and adventure on the frontiers of our changing world. Our E-Mail Addressesexp369@www.venturingbsa.com Our Web Page James D. Corder -
History of ExploringExplorer Leaders handbook Exploring began as a senior program in early Boy Scout Troops. These older boys carried out high adventure activities, service projects, and gave leadership to young Scouts. In 1912, Sea Scouting was founded for older Scouts and flourished as a program based on the tradition of the sea. In 1928, Sea Scout Paul Siple accompanied Commander Richard E. Byrd to the Antarctic. In 1935, Senior Scouts were called Explorers for the first time, and many were organized in separate Explorer crews in Troops, using a senior Scout program. In 1938, Mr. Waite Phillips, a Tulsa oilman, gave the Boy Scouts of America 127,000 acres of northeast New Mexico which became the Philmont Scout Ranch and Explorer Base. In 1942, an Air Scout program for boys 15 years and older was created in cooperation with the U.S. Army Air Corps. This cooperative program with the United States Air Force has continued to this day, although Air Scouting was discontinued in 1965. In May 1949, the national Executive Board revised senior Scouting to recognize as Explorers all young men in Posts, Sea Scout Ships, Air Scout Squadrons, and all Boy Scouts over 14 in Troops. In 1954, the national BSA Executive Board and the University of Michigan made a national study which revealed the needs, desires, and concerns of 15-16 year old boys. As a result, a completely new Exploring program was developed and put into effect January 1, 1959. This new program included activities, methods, and recognition which were similar to, but separated form the Boy Scout program. After almost 10 years of limited progress, a study was made of the special-interest posts being organized by William H. Spurgeon III, a businessman from California, and the newly completed research project of the BSA by Daniel Yankelovich. This study indicated that 83 percent of youth surveyed wanted more information on careers than they were getting at home or in school, and 94 percent wanted adult associations. Coed participation, sports, and adult0life recognition were found necessary to attract young adults to Exploring. This study was implemented by a national committee which developed the present Exploring program. As a result, special-interest Explorer Posts began to be organized by businesses and professional and trade organizations. The career interest survey of high school students was developed to identify and recruit members. This opportunity to join Posts that specialize in careers by recreational programs attracted large numbers of young adults to Exploring. Exploring locally and nationally became a separate division of the Boy Scouts of America designed to serve young men who had dropped out or never were Boy Scouts. In April 1971, young women became eligible for full membership in Exploring and the upper age limit in Exploring was increased to 21. With these new methods came a series of national activities designed and conducted to strengthen the local Post and ship - the safe-driving road rally, the Explorer Olympics, and the national Explorer Congress, which led to the organization of the Explorer Presidents' Association [EOA/EOA] involving Explorers in planning their program at every level. By 1981, the rapid growth of Exploring led to the development of national specialty programs in aviation, business, science and engineering, law and government, law enforcement, health careers, outdoor, sea Exploring, sports, career education, arts, skilled trades, social service, fire and rescue, and communications. An Explorer Presidents' Association Congress was designed to train local and national youth leaders and a National Exploring Conference was implemented on a biennial basis. |
Your InputYou This newsletter needs your input. Please write articles to go into this monthly newsletter. Ok, I would like it to be monthly:-) The articles can be on anything!!! What you are doing in School. Your opinions on the InterNet. Ok, they have to be G rated and can't harm others:-) The Newsletter should always be 4 pages long! If you have gif or raster images,. we can use them:-) Look at all the blank space:-( |
THE DOS 10 COMMANDMENTS!Submitted by C. M. Curtain 1. I am thy DOS, thou shall have no OS before me, unless Bill Gates gets a cut of the profits therefrom. 2. Thy DOS is a character based, single user, single tasking stand-alone operating system. Thou shall not attempt to make DOS network, multitask, or display a graphical user interface, for that would be a gross HACK. 3. Thy hard disk shall never have more than 1024 sectors. You don't need that much space anyway. 4. Thy application program and data shall all fit in 640K of RAM. After all, it's TEN TIMES what you had on a CP/M machine. Keep holy this 640K of RAM, and clutter it not with device drivers, memory managers, or other things that might make thy computer USEFUL. 5. Thou shall use the ONE TRUE SLASH CHARACTER to separate thy directory path. Thou shall learn and love this character, even though it appears on no typewriter keyboard, and is UNFAMILIAR. Standardization on where that character is located on a computer keyboard is RIGHT OUT. 6. Thou shall edit and shuffle the sacred lines of CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT until DOS functions adequately for the likes of you. Giving up in disgust is not allowed. 7. Know in thy heart that DOS shall always maintain backward compatibility to the holy 2.0 version, blindly ignoring opportunities to become compatible with THINGS created in the latter half of this century. But you can still run WordStar 1.0. 8. Improve thy memory, for thou shall be required to remember that JD031792.LTR is the letter that you wrote to Jane Doe three years ago regarding the tax deductible contribution that you made to her organization. The IRS Auditor shall be IMPRESSED by thy memory as he stands over you demanding PROOF. 9. Pick carefully the names of thy directories, for renaming them shall be MIGHTY DIFFICULT. While you're at it, don't try to relocate branches of the directory tree, either. 10. Learn well the Vulcan Nerve Pinch (ctrl-alt-del) for it shall be thy SAVIOUR on many an occasion. Believe in thy heart that EVERYONE reboots their OS to solve problems that shouldn't occur in the first place. |
Exploring Recognition DinnerThe Scouter The annual Exploring Recognition Dinner will be held on Thursday, April 27 at 6:30 p.m. at Berwick Manor Party House. Winners of Post President of the Year, Post of the Year, Outstanding Service Project of the Year, the Bronze Big Horn Award recipients and various other award winners will be announced. Come and congratulate the winners of this years Exploring Awards. Cost is $13.00 a person. I would like to collect everyone's $13.00 on or before Tuesday 04/11/95. Exploring ResourcesBy: Jim Miller, Jr. I just got handed a copy of the February 1995 Pro-Speak which has a page and a half on Exploring support materials for those who may be interested. I'll list what's available along with the National part number in case you want your EE/DEto send for some of these for you. Items with a five digit number are available through the National Distribution Center, while free items and items with a 23-prefix are available from Resources (S100 at the National Office). Exploring Council/District Operations Manual No. 33630
Annual Lutheran CampoutThe Scouter The 34th Annual Lutheran Campout The annual Lutheran Campout will be held at Camp Wyandot, north of Mt. Gilead, Ohio on May 19-21. Scouter "Doc" Renico is the Youth Director of the Columbus Conference of the Lutheran Church and if you have any questions, please call him at 263-1292. The Lutheran Church is a strong partner with the Boy Scouts of America [and they sponsor our Post 369] and annually, they host a Spring Campout at various council camps in Ohio. Besides usual weekend camping experiences, the youth will have special religious services and a chance to see the great works of Scouting and Church via meeting and working with Scouts from other councils. All other Troops are invited. |
Foreign Exchange StudentsThe Scouter The STS High School Foundation is seeking host families for foreign exchange students for the 1995-96 School Year. These students want to experience the American traditions and culture. Students are from the Scandinavian Countries, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, France, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. Each student has health insurance, travel insurance, airline tickets, and spending money form home. This could be your unique opportunity to share America with Europe by acting as a host family. If you are interested, please contact either Bob or Nancy Curran at 1-614-529-4118 (hilliard). |
Quote of the MonthIndira Gandhi My grandfather once told me that there were two kinds of people: Those who do the work and those who take credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was less competition there. Our Principals:1) Honor before all else. 2) The difference between a winner and a looser is that the winner tried one more time. 3) K.I.S.M.I.F. |
Our Creed:Exploring: Enthusiasm, Energy, & Excellence. Explorer Post 369:Explorer Post 369 was chartered on December 31, 1994 to the Reformation Luthern Church. Explorer Post 369 specializes in UNIX for Programmers while emphasizing a deep theme of Engineering Computer Information & Science Membership in Explorer Post 369 is open to young men and women between the ages of 14 [and in high school] and not yet 20. Annual Membership fees are $15.00. |
Post FinancesExplorer Post 369 has officially $-5.00. Up-an-Coming Post Expenses12/01/95 Post Charter $30.00 12/01/95 Post Insurance $85.00 |
Up-an-Coming Member ExpensesExploring Recognition Dinner $13.00 Area Conference $80.00 Summer Camp $150.00 Registration 11/01/95 $15.00 Youth that are dual registered with another Scouting Unit will only have to pay: $7.50 |