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Calendar of Events:
Happy Birthday
Unix Cookies
Finagle's Third Law:
The Fox and the Grapes
College Scholarships
Gold Award Requirements
Exploring Leadership Award
Post Finances
Ack Receipt November `95 ExpNews.
Boy's Life anniversary Patch
Season Wishes
Our Principals:
Our Creed:
Up-an-Coming Member Expenses
Up-an-Coming Post Expenses
Explorer Post 369:
Quote of the Month
Exp369's Annual Post Project
January 23 Advancement Tests
January 30 Post Elections
February 3 Court-of-Honor
February 4 Scout Sunday
March 30 Scout Show
January 3-12, 97 10MegaVenture
July 28-Aug5 1997 BSA Jamboree
Mr. Warmbier 12/01/69
Mr. Maurer 12/22/32
Explorer Post 369 12/31
Dave Barry, "In Search of Excellence"
Take the folks at Coca-Cola. For many years, they were content to sit back and make the same old carbonated beverage. It was a good beverage, no question about it; generations of people had grown up drinking it and doing the experiment in sixth grade where you put a nail into a glass of Coke and after a couple of days the nail dissolves and the teacher says: "Imagine what it does to your TEETH!" So Coca-Cola was solidly entrenched in the market, and the management saw no need to improve...
In any collection of data, the figure most obviously correct, beyond all need of checking, is the mistake
A fox one day spied a beautiful bunch of ripe grapes hanging from a vine trained along the branches of a tree. The grapes seemed ready to burst with juice, and the Fox`s mouth watered as he gazed longingly at them.
The bunch hung from a high branch, and the Fox had to jump for it. The first time he jumped he missed it by a long way. So he walked off a short distance and took a running leap at it, only to fall short once more. Again and again he tried in vain.
Now he sat down and looked at the grapes in disgust.
What a fool I am, he said. Here I am wearing myself out to get a bunch of sour gapes that are not worth gaping for.
And off he walked very, very scornfully.
There are many who pretend to despise and belittle that which is beyond their reach.
Applications for the 1996 Eagle Scout Scholarship program are available. Applicants must be graduating high school seniors, currently registered with Boy Scouts of America, and have earned the Eagle rank.
Get details from local council server centers or write Eagle Scout Service, S220, BSA, 1325 W. Walnut Hill Ln., P.O. Box 152079, Irving TX 75015-2079.
A Goal is a Dream Taken Seriously!
Completed applications (form 58-802) must be postmarked by Feb. 28, 1996, and received by March 5, 1996
George Crowl
Andrew Heath and others: Request for Explorer Gold Award and Exploring Leadership Award requirements:
A. The candidate must have been an active, registered Explorer for at least 12 months tenure before final qualification.
B. The candidate must have been an active member of the Explorer post, and served in one or a combination of leadership roles within the past 12 months (roles may be concurrent as follows: (paraphrased) Post officer, EPA member, post activities chairman; church or school elected youth officer, elected or appointed team leader.
C. The candidate must have participated in a district/Exploring division, council, area, region, or national Explorer event.
D. The candidate must, in consultation with the post Advisor or a member of the post committee, set one personal growth goal related to each of the six experience areas of Exploring, in which the Explorer certifies completion of the goals. (See previous EAA examples)
E. The candidate must plan, prepare for, and lead to completion two or more post activity projects that relate to at least two of the six experience areas; suggested post activity projects are listed separately below. The action should involve at least five Explorers, and it should require a minimum of 4 to 6 months from inception to completion; the project should be approved and the goals of the project set by the post Advisor and/or a member of the post committee and the Explorer candidate. Both parties should certify the completion of the projects(s). Activities should be arranged to fit into normal post programming. Qualifying activities... (see previous EAA examples).
F. The candidate must be able to recite the Explorer Code.
G. The candidate must submit three letters of recommendation to the post Advisor that confirms he or she lives in accordance with the principles of the Explorer Code. The letters should come from adults outside the post, such as school or church leaders, employers, or community leaders.
H. After completing all other requirements, the candidate should prepare evidence of completion of the work and submit it to the post Advisor. The post president, in conjunction with the post Advisor, should then appoint a review committee of four to six people including Explorers and adults. The committee should interview the candidate to determine whether that person grew as a result of the pursuit of the Gold Award.
I. Finally, the candidate must have qualified for the Gold Award before his or her 21st birthday.
Significant differences from the Explorer Achievement Award to the Gold Award: Tenure now 12 months, vice 18. Personal growth goals in all six experience areas, vice two. Must recite the Explorer Code. Review committee is youth and adult, can be from the post, vice district/council Exploring committee.
George Crowl
Presented by councils, areas/regions, and national to Explorers and adults who have made exceptional contributions to Exploring and who exemplify the Explorer Code.
Qualifications: a. Be registered and involved in Exploring as an Explorer or an adult for at least one year. b. Hold a leadership position or office on the unit, district, council, area, regional or national level (as appropriate for the level of award presented). c. Show exceptional dedication and give outstanding leadership and service to Exploring and to Explorers on the level appropriate for the award.
Quota: Two youth and two adults per year, up to fifty posts/ships, one additional each for each 25 additional units. Regions: 12/12. National: 6/6.
Replaces youth only award, don't remember that there was a specific quota at council level.
Explorer Post 369 has -$250.00.
Mark Bastin (Da Gremlin)
I am now the On-Air Announcer for both the Wednesday & Friday Breakfast shift's at Perth's Information Radio, (unpaid). I also produce (technical production) 2 shows "Bulletin (Magazine)" & "Our Land" (Environmental). I have trained David to take over the tech production of "Time (Magazine)". He was examined 2 weeks ago and passed, he now has taken over the "Time" Magazine.
Of some interest to the Post will be that the Radio Station has just bought around about $A30,000 worth of new mixing and has computerised the production & transmission of the programming.
We run a Novell-net of only 6 workstations running Nxxx v7 (I know that the abbreviation of the words Disk Operating System is a NO NO with you guys, so I x'ed them.) Over this we run the ENCO recording/playback system. This was first triled on Christmas Day this year. I was in two minds about it as I feel almost redundant or superfluous, it feels dumb to take solace in the fact that someone still has to say the time and give out current weather information. No that's unfair there is still a lot for the on-air announcer to do.
Fill out the never-ending PAPERWORK
Other News on the Home Front,
After the AGM of the Local Branch of the Liberal (read: Conservative) Party I am now the President, thereof. (There is not a real comparison in U.S. Politics but maybe slightly more Republican than Democrat though. We (Aust.) are a representative monachy, a Commonwealth of Federated States, using a blended model of the British "Westminster" system and the United States. It makes for an interesting system.)
I've only had a chance to really glance at the ExpNews but have read the "Cover Story":Why do you need it? & "Reality Check: Off the Net"
Question: "Is that fact of fiction?" That is to say I'd not be surprised by the truth of the Irony, but I would be surprised if the Cray really did exist." Comment: "As if!";<)
Oh, yea and while I think about it,
Happy Birthday Exp369
To you all a late Christmas greeting, and all the best for the New Year.
In closing I pray, That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: Eph. 1:17 and,
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints. Eph. 1:18
So, Until next we meet (however). May, The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. Amen. 2 Cor. 13:14
To help celebrate its 85th birthday, Boy's Life magazine is offering two special embroidered patches.
m Unit leaders whose pack, troop, Varsity team, or Explorer Post qualifies as a 100% Boys' Life unit during 1996.
m A second, limited-edition Boys' Life 85th Anniversary Commemorative Patch is available to all Scout Leaders and to all other BSA members as well. Only 15,000 of these patches have been produced. They can be ordered from Boys' Life commemorative Patch, Dept. S9, P.O. Box 152079, Irving TX 75015-2079. Price $3.50.
Explorer Post 369
May the coming year be filled with happiness for you.
During the Holiday Season more than ever, our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our progress possible.
Happy Birthday Explorer Post 369
At the Holiday Season, our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our progress possible. It is in this spirit we say: "Thank you and best wishes for the Holidays and a Happy New Year"
May this season be a time of peace, love, and happiness for you.
May our lives be a celebration of thanks for God's gift of Love, and for the new life that's ours through Jesus Christ our Lord!
Love bears all things believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things Love never ends... I Corinthians 13:7,8
1) Honor before all else.
2) The difference between a winner and a looser is that the winner tried one more time.
3) K.I.S.M.I.F.
Exploring: Enthusiasm, Energy, & Excellence.
Up-an-Coming Member Expenses
Registration 11/01/96 $15.00
12/01/96 Post Charter $30.00
12/01/96 Post Insurance $85.00
Explorer Post 369 was chartered on December 31, 1994 to the Reformation Luthern Church.
Explorer Post 369 specializes in UNIX for Programmers while emphasizing a deep theme of Engineering Computer Information & Science
Membership in Explorer Post 369 is open to young men and women between the ages of 14 [and in high school] and not yet 20. Annual Membership fees are $15.00.
James D. Corder
If you throw away your dreams you are throwing away your life!
Jmaes D. Corder
Look for it in the January 1996 issue!