Table of Contents

Our Principals:
Our Creed:
Explorer Post 369:
Our Web Page:
Our E-Mail Addresses
Calendar of Events:
Quote of the Month
Scout Sunday & the Court-of-Honor
Post Finances
Up-an-Coming Post Expenses
Up-an-Coming Member Expenses
Getting started with UNIX.
Wearing the Uniform
The Toadie Campout
My First Camping Trip!
Why I am proud to be a Toadie
Welcome New Toadies!

PostScript Version

(C) Wed Feb 25 20:02:26 EST 1998 Explorer Post 369

Calendar of Events:

March2 Award applications for Recognition dinner due
March 3 Mr. Corder Teaches UNIX
March 6,7,8 Maple Sugar Festival, Campout, Lazarus $?
March 9 Pack/Troop/Post Committee Meeting
March 10 Mr. Corder Teaches UNIX, Munchie Night
3/13/80 Bill Schwanitz
March 16 EOA Meeting, Riverside
March 17 Mr. Corder Teaches UNIX
March 24 Happy Birthday Mr. Drake
Mr. Corder Teaches UNIX, Pizza Party
March 25 Youth Protection Training SKC Office 12:pm
March 26 Youth Protection Training SKC Office 7:00pm
March 28 Popcorn Sale Begins
April 1 Mr. Potter Teaches Perl
April 8 Mr. Potter Teaches Perl, Munchie Night
April 15 Mr. Potter Teaches Perl
April 18 Explorer's Repelling Adventure
April 22 Mr. Potter Teaches Perl
April 22 Basic Leader Training SKC Office 7:00pm
April 23 Basic Leader Training SKC Office 12:00pm
April 25 ExpNews Deadline
April 29 Mr. Potter Teaches Perl, Pizza Party
May 7 Explorer Recognition Dinner
May 18 EOA Meeting, Galyan's
May 23 Garage Sale
May 24 ExpNews Deadline
6/6/83 David Halves
June 28/July 4 Summer Camp
July Java Classes Start
July 14-18 National Explorer Leadership Conference
7/28/78 DJ Gregor
8/17/81 Douglas E. Joseph
9/11/79 Jon Lehman
9/26/78 Angelos Frezoulis
11/10/81 Joe Prinz
11/11/82 Josh Corcoran
12/11/78 Joe Harvey
12/14/75 Gus Frezoulis
December 22 Christmas Pizza Party
12/30/75 Loc Do
December 31 National Young American Award Deadline

Quote of the Month

Microsoft is not the answer, it is the questions and the answer is no!

Scout Sunday & the Court-of-Honor

James D. Corder

There was close to a hundred in attendance: Parents, Scouts, Explorers, and guests. The Pot-Luck dinner filled even the pickiest of eaters. We raised over $800.00 for The Friends of Scouting drive [To support the council].

The new officers where sworn in and their badges of office presented. The new members where bestowed their white honor cords. Two Toadie Cadets where presented to the Post for inspection. Tenure pins where given and all Explorers received their Quality Unit Award patches.

Upon ushering the parents and guests out the door the Explorers stayed the night to build another UNIX Network. The NeXT stations where once again reassembled and are now harmoniously chugging away. The Sun Stations are up-and-running as NIS & NFS servers. The Cube is the center of all of our NFS traffic. The 3B2s are on the network.

Half a dozen Window boxes are no more:-) The youth successfully got Solaris running on their personal boxes.

In the morning, after breakfast we attend Scout Sunday Services!

Post Finances

Explorer Post 369 has -$1,308.00
Floor Fund Need $1,200.00
Floor Fund In Hand $811.00
Pledges Outstanding FF, $0.00
Room Fund Needed $3,800.00
Room Fund $0.00
Computer Fund Needed $0.00
Computer Fund $0.00

Up-an-Coming Post Expenses

12/01/98 Post Charter $30.00
12/01/98 Post Insurance $85.00
Monthly ExpNews $75.00

Up-an-Coming Member Expenses

Registration 11/01/98 $15.00

Congratulations Explorer Post 369 for achieving the 1998 Quality Unit Award!

Getting started with UNIX.

Jon Schlegel

At one time or another I believe that every computer user begins to hear tales about a fabled thing called "UNIX". For many users, their curiosity never pushes them to explore the UNIX OS. I was like many other people, and considered UNIX as a mythical operating system, that was for others, but I could never obtain for myself. I didn't understand how easy it is to get started.

One of the most important ideas to understand about UNIX is that it isn't developed by a single company, and doesn't have any real standards. For those of us who have lived or are living in a computer world dominated by red fruit, microscopic software, and 24 hour per day busy signals on long distance tech support lines, this is sometimes a difficult concept to grasp. To get started on your journey of computing enlightenment, you have to decide on a version of UNIX you will be using.

My best advice is to seek out a friend, or make a new friend, who already has some free version of UNIX on a CD-ROM. I've found that installing off a CD-ROM drive is far easier for the first time user than installing over a network or a separate partition. For the very beginner, tentative about switching from their cozy DOS based operating system, I would suggest some version of Linux. Linux is generally very friendly towards dual-booting systems. Linux is a hack of various versions of UNIX, with many unconventional commands and abilities. But it's a good tool to learn some basics. If you plan to work with more systems than your own, though it's probably a good idea to get a real OS, and get past the toy many users halt at.

Over the past six or seven months I have been experimenting with UNIX, I have gone from RedHat Linux, to FreeBSD, to Slackware, and back again. I've tried OpenBSD, and have finally settled on Solaris. I've found the OpenBSD CD's that I used had the simplest installation. RedHat was a close second (but that was after I had learned a lot about partition tables), and I never did get Slackware totally installed. (Not to say slackware was any worse than the others, just that it was my first Non-CDROM installation of Linux I had tried and it didn't work out too well. If I did it again, it would probably be easier.) At the moment, I love Solaris. Even with OpenWin, and CDE, I find that I spend most of my time in text mode. Regardless, the most important part in installing Unix or Linux your first few times is probably to have a good friend to guide you through.

Don't be controlled by the Marcasite Giant, or Apple. UNIX can do and does everything the "other" OS's do, plus much more. I won't get into a debate about which is better. I already know.

Wearing the Uniform


The Scout kit(1), through its uniformity, now constitutes a bond of brotherhood among boys across the world.

The correct wearing of the Uniform and smartness of turnout of the individual Scout makes him a credit to our Movement. It shows his pride in himself and in his Unit.

One slovenly Scout, on the other hand, inaccurately dressed may let down the whole Movement in the eyes of the public. Show me such a fellow and I can show you one who has not grasped the true Scouting Spirit and who takes no pride in his membership of our great Brotherhood.



The Toadie Campout

James D. Corder

The first campout of the season was a huge success. I am so proud of our members. Jon Schlegel, as our new President, did a GREAT job!

We had two hikes, tomahawk throwing, Euchre Tournaments, and the cooking was out of this world.

I was pleased with everyone's willingness to chip in and do their fair share of the work. All meals where started, eaten, and even cleanup was done in one hour.

The facilities where grand. My old trading post:-)

Congratulations to Ian Jones and Tyler Skirtich. Their Graduation Ceremony from Cadets to Full Toadies was powerful. Ian received a standing ovation from the entire Post.

I look forward to the next campout with Explorer Post 369!!!

My First Camping Trip!

Jon Schlegel

Wow! My first camping trip in around eight years took place last weekend. I think all of us who went had a great time.

Friday evening we all attempted to show up around 6:00pm, a few of us were a little late, but we ended up getting out of there within the hour. After pairing up, we caravaned to Camp Longhorn in our various vehicles; I rode with Mr. Corder. The two hour drive was entertaining, due to lively talk from the driver, and when all four cars/trucks pulled off the freeway to discuss how we missed the exit. It was actually only two exits behind, and it was simple to get turned around and back on course. At the campsite, we unloaded, had a few snacks, rearranged the cabin, and played a little Euchre. Mostly we just talked. Talked until about midnight, at which point we slept.

Saturday, welp, early wake up (around 8:00am!), and a good breakfast of french toast, thoughtfully prepared by our Toadie Cadets. I must say it was quite good. (The maple syrup and powdered sugar helped with the blackened spots <g>.) A brisk walk around our small campsite woke me up. Which was probably a good thing, since Mr. Niedzielski then taught the explorers to throw tomahawks. Don't get within fifty feet of me when I'm hurling those sharpened instruments of death. I wasn't very accurate. I quit early, chili was waiting on the dutch oven, and I was hungry.

Another hike after lunch. Only Mr. Corder, Mr. Potter, Josh, and myself attended our grand adventure. We visited some places Mr. Corder remembered when he was little scout. Then we wandered. We made our way down the valley into the creek bed, and then right back up again. The forest was beautiful and provided a number of great photos. (Well, we had to take the photos ourselves, but the forest provided the setting.:-) At any rate, after enough walking, we weren't exactly sure where we were. Due to the existence of this article, it's quite obvious that we eventually made it back to camp. But the experience was worth the time.

A side splitting game of Euchre followed another wonderful meal at Camp Longhorn. Mr. Potter & I proceeded to systematically destroy our rival team: Mr. Niedzielski, and DJ Gregor. A few games with scores around 10-1, 10-3, and DJ brought out the heavy artillery. 8"x4" cards! If you've ever been in a long Euchre game, you notice that every hand, at least three people must ask: "What's trump?!?", and almost every phrase muttered seems funny. An hour and a half into the game, and we were all bent over laughing. It was by far, one of the most entertaining games I have played in my life.

Later on, we all talked into the middle of the night.

Sunday morning we ate breakfast, and got packed up. By 10:45am we were on the road, and vaguely around noon, we arrived back at the church. The trip was great; I enjoyed every minute of it. I'm waiting for the weekend we return to Longhorn. It can't come too soon.

Why I am proud to be a Toadie

Tyler Skirtich, age 12

know that being a Toadie brings responsibility and that it will also make me think harder. I know that I am ready to take all the responsibility that it will give me.

Although I don't see being as toadie a more work I see it as an opportunity to grow and learn. For example all of the Explorers will help me earn my Eagle Rank which will allow me to learn many new things in the process.

Also, being a Toadie allows me to meet new people, like on my initiation campout I met: D.J. and John and if I hadn't become a toadie I most likely would not have met them. The people that I meet as a toadie will prove to be friends that I can trust and confide in.

The one reason that I want to be a toadie is that in the long run it will give me so many opportunities and advantages that I will be a better person to the end.

check out: Camp Longhorn | Campout ExpNews

Roy teaches everyone to throw the tomahawk!

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