- 37 -
I enjoyed surfing your site, and
I am sure everybody else will too.
Your site is Close to a Silver.
- 38 -
We are proud to have the SilverSurfer on such a
page as yours...It not only reflects your taste...
But also ours.. We thank you...
Again..We are honored to have this award on your page...
Congrats on a *SILVER*...You are one of the best...
- 39 -
Congratulations Venturing Crew 369!!!
Your site has been chosen as a winner of
The Seasons of Change Silver Award for May 2000.
I enjoyed my visit to your site. Thanks for making
the web a better place. It is evident that you have put a
lot of hard work into your web space.
- 40 -
Dear Venturing Crew 369 It is my pleasure to congratulate you on
achiveing the
Award of Online Excellence"
Our Judges have viewed your web site, and they have decided,
that your site is a great example of upholding the Scouting
traditions, and ideals on the world wide web. Proudly display
the "Scouting Award of Online Excellence" on your site, you
deserve it!!!
- 41 -
In recognition of creativity, integrity and excellence
on the Web. Congratulations! Your web-site has been
reviewed and chosen to bear the 2000-2001 Golden Web Award.
- 42 -
You have been selected as the winner of the Scouting Award
of Excellence for the week of September 2, 2000. Please
continue to stand stall for the world wide community of
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