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May 2002 Lynx Awards
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Congratulations!!! Your site, has been chosen as one of the Merit winners of The Lynx Award for May 2002. I enjoyed visiting your site and found it worthy of The Lynx Award. It is evident that you have put a lot of hard work in your page.

The Lynx Award is rated 3.5 by Award Sites. 10 by WebsAwards.

Again, Congratulations, you are in a select few to win this monthly award.

Best Regards,

Spirit of Scouting OnLine
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The jundges have found your site to be an excellent site, and worthy of the Spirit of Scouting Online Silver Award.

The judges were very impressed and gave your site 222/245 possible points. We really liked the manner in which you used technology to show the world your unit. We also liked how you showcased scouting in general with resources for all of scouting's programs. Your site was also one of the few we have come across with good information on the Venturing program.

The Silver Award is difficult to achieve, but your site has succeeded with flying colors. Congratulations!

In the Spirit of Scouting,

The Scoutingonline Award is rated 2.5 by Award Sites. 6.5 by WebsAwards.

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