The 1999 Adventure Our Mailing List The Adventure in HTML Venturing Crew 369's "The Adventure" HTML Title PostScript PDF January Flyer 4th Quarter Web Stats! Toaddie Campout PS-492Kb PS-79Kb PDF-639Kb PDF-40Kb February Scout Sunday Court-of-Honor PS-3.7Mb gzip None-19Mb gzip March 369 On-The-Go! PS-63Kb PDF-23Kb April Microsoft Minopoly! PS-144.9Kb PDF-77.2Kb May-1 May-2 98/99 Exploring/Venturing Awards Banquet! Preparing for Y2K! PS-103.1Kb PS-2.10Mb PDF-57.6Kb PDF-3.4Mb June-1 June-2 Summer Camp Packing List! Secure Computing! PS-72.1Kb PS-690.0Kb PDF-22.8Kb PDF-1.0Mb July Summer Camp PS-2.3Mb gzip None-11.9Mb gzip August-1 August-2 The Ohio State Fair Open House Flyer PS-1.1Mb PS-.9Mb PDF-1.6Mb PDF-1.2Mb September A New year Begins! PS-141.5Kb PDF-104.3Kb October Special Year End Color Addition! Venturing Crew 369! PS-7.6Mb gzip PS-490K gzip NONE PDF-2.1Mb November-1 November-2 itec Convention Flyer itec Convention Adventure PS-698Kb PS-233Kb PDF-1.3Mb PDF-227Kb December Happy Birthday 369! PS-216.0Kb PDF-155.2Kb applications/postscript /usr/openwin/bin/pageview %s This page has been accessed $pagecount"; ?> times. Since January 1st, 1999
The 1999 Adventure