Mega 10

Mega 10 was the 3rd Asia-Pacific / 10th Australian Venture, and was held at Wayville Showgrounds and Woodhouse in Adelaide, South Australia, from the 3rd - 12th January, 1997. Participants spent the first two days (2nd & 3rd January) at Wayville Showgrounds, close to the Adelaide City Centre, and then took part in a four day expedition. The last four days were spent at Woodhouse Scout Campsite in the Adelaide Hills, with various offsite and onsite activities to keep people occupied during the day, and bands playing in the Main Arena to keep people rocking all night.

This Site Contains:

  • Visitors Page - For those who went to the Venture.
  • Expedition Reports - As told by the Venturers themselves.
    • 041-Bunyips Canoe Expedition
    • 041-Canoeing: Another Perspective
    • 063-Destination: Port Lincoln
    • 111-Reef Wreck Diving
    • 121-Reef Rendezvous
    • 161-The Media Mania 161.1 Story
    • 172&173-South East Biking Tour
  • Forum Page - Feedback on questions about the Venture.
    • Entertainment...
    • The International perspective...
    • Internet Central...
    • Security...

Date Line

8th July 1997
111-Reef Wreck Diving Report uploaded.
25th June 1997
041-Canoeing: Another Perspective Report uploaded.
16th April 1997
New Frames Layout, all subpages re-written.
Forum Page and subpages Added.
21st March 1997
121-Reef Rendezvous Report uploaded.
10th March 1997
063-Destination: Port Lincoln Report uploaded.
3rd February 1997
The Unofficial Mega 10 Followup Page is designed.
041-Bunyips Canoe Expedition Report uploaded.
161-The Media Mania 161.1 Story Report uploaded.
172&173-South East Biking Tour Report uploaded.
13th January 1997
Mega 10, The 10th Australian Venture, Closes.
3rd January 1997
Mega 10, The 10th Australian Venture, Opens.
19th December 1996
Mega 10 Visitors Page uploaded, for visitors during and after Mega 10.

This page has been accessed  $pagecount"; ?> times. Since October 20th, 2001 The site has been accessed times.

This page was donated to 369 on 10/20/2001 by Danny Sag, Thank you Danny!