Venturing Crew 369's Bylaws
Table of ContentsOur Code(1)As an Venturer- I believe that American's Strength lies in her trust in God and in the courage and strength of her people. I will, therefore, be faithful in my religious duties and will maintain a personal sense of honor in my own life. I will treasure my American heritage and will do all I can to preserve and enrich it. I will recognize the dignity and worth of my fellow man and will use fair play and goodwill in dealing with them.
Our PurposeTo help guide Youth toward career, lifetime, and leadership goals. Our MissionOur ObjectivesWe seek to implement a program of activities that develops the whole person, and that entails providing activities and experiences beyond our regular meetings. We seek to provide an opportunity for each of our members to expand and enhance their leadership qualities, and experience what it means to develop themselves and see growth in others. Direct and Indirect Benefits of ParticipationThe Venturing OathAs a Venturer, I promise to help strengthen America, to be faithful in my religious duties, to help others, and to seek truth, fairness, and adventure in our world! Mail Reflector & Net NewsMailing to the reflector grants Crew 369 the uncompensated and unrestricted usage of your mail/posting in its [but not limited to] Web Page, Newsletters, books, flyers, etc.!!! LikenessCrew Advancement:Eagle Scout (We encourage Scouts to earn their Eagle within their Troop, even while being active with our Crew!) Bronze Award Gold Award Silver Award Leadership Award Ranger Award Crew Positions:Adult PositionsInstitutional RepresentativeIs appointed by the Church Committee. Is the liaison between the Ventuirng Crew and the Church. Committee ChairmanVoted on by the Crew Committee and approved by both the Institutional Representative and the Church Committee. Committee MembersAdvisorIs allowed to wear Gold Scout Collar Pins. The Gold Scout Collar Pin signifies that s/he has "root" on all systems. The Advisor with a Gold Scout Collar Pin is retains the final say so on all systems. Associate AdvisorsIs allowed to wear Gold Scout Collar Pins. The Gold Scout Collar Pin signifies that s/he has "root" on all systems. ConsultantsHonorary MembersYouth PositionsPresidentServe as youth leader of the Crew. Implements the Crew program through officers and members. Works closely with Advisors and other adult leaders in a spirit of partnership. Represents the Crew at meetings of the Venturing Officers' Association [VOA] and program planning conferences and is available to report to the chartered organization and Crew Committee. Assists the Crew Advisor in conducting the Crew Officers' Seminar. Appoints youth chairpersons of special projects and appoints special Crew Officers. Presents the annual report to the chartered organization and/or Crew Committee at the conclusion of his/her term of office. Assesses on an ongoing basis whether the reproducibilities of the officers are being considered and carried out effectively. Approaches Venturing and encourages others to approach Venturing in a spirit of fun and enjoyment. Administrative Vice-PresidentServes as administrative officer of the Crew. Assumes the responsibilities of the Crew President in his or her absence. Leads the recruiting and admission of new members during the year. Organizes and recognizes the achievements of Crew members. Conducts opening and closing ceremonies for special occasions as scheduled. Attends all Crew Activities. Attends the Officer Association Meetings. Approaches Venturing activities in a spirit of Fun and seeks to reflect this spirit in the recruiting of new members and through recognizing the achievements of Crew members. Is a team leader of one of the Crew Patrols. Program Vice-PresidentServes as the program officer of the Crew and, in that position, arranges the program planning process for the Crew. Collects and maintains a Crew activity file consisting of the Program Capability Inventory, a listing of Post member interests and suggestions for activities, program resources, and an annual activity schedule. Determines the interest of the Crew members on an ongoing basis (Crew Interest Surveys.) Provides support for the President and committee for each activity. Approaches and encourages others to approach Venturing activities in a spirit of fun and enjoyment. Is a team leader of one of the Crew Patrols. Secretary/Treasurer
ScribeServes as the media officer and, in that position, maintains electronic records and monitors the Crew's website. Is responsible for the electronic version of the Crew's Newsletter The Adventure.
The Historian serves as the historical officer, maintaining any important archival information, pictures, news articles, awards, or special objects. The Historians shall keep a record of extra-curricular Crew activities, and where possible, collect pictorial information on them. The Historian also shall maintain in the Crew archives any pertinent news clips or media exserts in relation to the Crew. At the same time, the Historian shall also coordinate any exhibits or displays the Crew chooses to create for its archives The Historian shall attend all Crew Activities. ChaplainQuartermasterToadie ProgramOur PrinciplesOur Creed:Our's Experience Areas:LeadershipDevelop a better understanding of America's social, economic, and government systems. Gaining some insight and practical experience in careers SocialInstilling stable personal values firmly based on religious concepts. Developing skill in dealing with all people and encouraging a sense of family and community responsibility. Investigate the rolls of computers in analysis of and finding solutions for social problems: Plan joint meetings with posts whose specialty involves the use of computers, such as accounting, automotive, electronics, engineering, teaching, manufacturing, telephone communications, and medical. CitizenshipEncouraging a sense of pride to our American Heritage. Preparing to give leadership and fulfill our responsibility to American Society and to the people of the world. OutdoorDeveloping a degree of self reliance based on courage, initiative, and resourcefulness. Understanding and appreciating the wise use of resources and the protection of our environment. ServiceEncouraging the skill and desire to help others. Gaining a keen respect for the basic rights of others. FitnessImproving mental and emotional fitness. Enhancing physical fitness and an appreciation for sports. Learn about the special needs of the working environment in which computers are installed and which are of benefit to workers. Examples include a dust-free environment, constant temperature, special design, lighting, wall colors, and the prevention of carpel tunnel syndrome. OperationsCrew MeetingMembers must attend all three sections. MembershipOfficersThe normal term of the office shall be for one year starting on November 1. Election nominations shall be held the first Tuesday of October. Election speeches shall be held the second Tuesday in October. Elections shall be the third Tuesday in October. Anyone can nominate anyone, including themselves, for any elected youth position, as long as they do not turn 21 during their term of office. Crew BusinessBylaw ChangesOffer's MeetingsNewsletterThe Crew will publish a monthly newsletter, which shall include all meeting dates and other information of interest to the membership. The newsletter will also report on, and evaluate, activities during the past month. The newsletter will serve as a historical record of the post. Members are required to write monthly articles for The Adventure. The name of the newsletter is The Adventure. DuesUniformMoney-Earning ProjectsDress CodeThe dark green Venturing Shirt, Tan Pants, Scout Socks, dress shoes and campaign hat. The Class A uniform is worn to all Crew meetings and any general Scouting/Venturing activities. Any Scouting Shirt [including T-Shirts], Tan Pants, Scout Socks, dress shoes or hiking boots, and Scouting ball cap. The Class B uniform is worn to all Crew meetings and any general Scouting/Venturing activities when the temperature is over 90F and 80%+ humidity.
When to wear UniformsClass A should be worn at any meeting or event.Behavior (Adult & Youth)All Crew members will follow the Crew Bylaws. All Crew members will be in uniform at all official Crew activities. There shall be no physical display of affection at any Crew activity. There shall be no alcohol at any Crew activity. There shall be no tobacco, including smokeless, at any Crew activity. There shall be no illegal drugs(2), including marijuana, at any Crew activity. The possession of Alcohol, tobacco (of any kind) or illegal drugs is grounds for expulsion from the program. 2 or 4 Deep LeadershipIn any activity where either the participants are expected to change clothes, such as swimming, or spend the night there shall be at least two adults (21 or over). If only one gender is in attendance then only two adults, of that gender, are needed. If both genders are present then at least 3 adults and at least one of each gender are required. At least one adult must be a registered member of Crew. Mothers and Fathers will do as chaperones. Footnotes |
Last updated September 1, 2002
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